NGUYEN's Publications

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Publications in 2008
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Tone recognition of Vietnamese continuous speech using hidden markov model
NGUYEN Hong Quang, NOCERA Pascal, CASTELLI Eric, TRINH Van Loan
HUT-ICCE 2008, the Second International Conference on Communications and Electronics - 2008


Using multisyllabic patterns for Vietnamese speech processing
NGUYEN Hong Quang, NOCERA Pascal, CASTELLI Eric, TRINH Van Loan
CLSW 2008 Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop - 2008


Using tone information for Vietnamese Continuous Speech recognition
NGUYEN Hong Quang, NOCERA Pascal, CASTELLI Eric, TRINH Van Loan
RIVF?08 - 2008


Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition for Vietnamese, an under-resource language
NGUYEN Hong Quang, NOCERA Pascal, CASTELLI Eric, TRINH Van Loan
SLTU08 1st International workshop on Spoken Langages Technologies for Under-resourced languages - 2008


A Novel Approach in Continuous Speech Recognition for Vietnamese, an isolating tonal language
InterSpeech 2008/SST08 - 2008


Reconnaissance de la parole continue à grand vocabulaire en vietnamien, une langue syllabique tonale
NGUYEN Hong Quang, NOCERA Pascal, CASTELLI Eric, TRINH Van Loan
JEP/TALN 2008 - 2008
Publications in 2001
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Algorithme de comparaison dynamique et son application pour la reconnaissance de la parole
NGUYEN Hong Quang, TRINH Van Loan
Conference scientifique internationale, Session : Technologie de l'information, Institut Polytechnique de Hanoi, Hanoi, Vietnam - October 2001