LE's Publications

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Publications in 2003
Engineer Thesis

Analyse et synthèse de la parole par LPC
IPH - 2003
Publications in 2002
Articles in Peer-Reviewed National Journals

La mesure du moment d`un axe par une methode de mesure sans contact
LE Van Doanh, CASTELLI Eric
Revue vietnamienne Automation Today, pages 21-22, vol. 29 - 2002

Engineer Thesis

Specialized software under LabVIEW for Speech Processing and Analysis
LE Thuy Linh
IPH - 2002


Analyse et synthèse de la parole par LPC
LE Manh Tuan
School of Electrical Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology - 2002
Publications in 2001
Articles in Peer-Reviewed International Journals

Etude des performances de la compression des images JPEG
Actes de la 19? Conf?rence scientifique internationale, Session : Technologie de l?Information, Institut Polytechnique de Hanoi, pages 59-65 - October 2001

Engineer Thesis

Specialized software under LabVIEW for Speech Processing and Analysis
NGUYEN Hoang Nam, LE Thuy Linh
School of Electrical Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology - 2001


Synthèse automatique du vietnamien à l'aide de la technique PSOLA
NGUYEN Hoai Nam, LE Xuan Dung
School of Electrical Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology - 2001