NGUYEN's Publications

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Publications in 2020
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Person Search by Queried Description in Vietnamese Natural Language
PHAM Thanh Thuy, NGUYEN Dinh-Duc, TA Ba Hoang Phuc, NGUYEN Thuy-Binh, DO Thi Ngoc Diep, LE Thi Lan
12th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS 2020) - march 2020
Publications in 2019
Articles in Peer-Reviewed International Journals

Effective Multi-shot Person Re-identification through Representative Frames Selection and Temporal Feature Pooling
NGUYEN Thuy-Binh, LE Thi Lan, PHAM Thanh Thuy, PHAM Ngoc-Nam
Multimedia Tools and Applications - 2019

International Conference and Workshop Papers

Comparative evaluation of human detection and tracking approaches for online tracking applications
NGUYEN Hong-Quan, NGUYEN Thuy-Binh, LE Thi Lan, NOE Alexis
The International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC) - october 2019


A Quantitative Analysis of the Effect of Human Detection and Segmentation Quality in Person Re-identification Performance
NGUYEN Thuy-Binh, NGUYEN Hong-Quan, LE Thi Lan, PHAM Thanh Thuy, PHAM Ngoc-Nam
2nd Int. Conference on Multimedia Analysis and Pattern Recognition (MAPR) - may 2019
Publications in 2018
Articles in Peer-Reviewed International Journals

Images-to-Images Person ReID Without Temporal Linking
NGUYEN Thuy-Binh, LE Thi Lan, PHAM Ngoc-Nam
International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics, Inderscience - 2018
issn: ISSN online: 1752-914X, ISSN print: 1752-9131


Fusion schemes for image-to-video person re-identification
NGUYEN Thuy-Binh, LE Thi Lan, PHAM Ngoc-Nam
Journal of Information and Telecommunication - 2018
issn: 2475-1839

International Conference and Workshop Papers

An effective implementation of Gaussian of Gaussian descriptor for person re-identification
NGUYEN Thuy-Binh, TRAN Duc-Long, LE Thi Lan, PHAM Thanh Thuy, DOAN Thi Huong Giang
The 5th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS) - 2018


Enhancing Person Re-identification based on Recurrent Feature Aggregation Network
NGUYEN Hong-Quan, NGUYEN Thuy-Binh, LE Thi Lan
The 1st International Conference on Multimedia Analysis and Pattern Recognition (MAPR), HCM - april 2018
issn: 978-1-5386-4180-4


A reliable image-to-video person re-identiļ¬cation based on feature fusion
NGUYEN Thuy-Binh, LE Thi Lan, NGUYEN Dinh-Duc, PHAM Dinh-Tan
10th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS), Springer - march 2018
issn: 0302-9743
Publications in 2016
International Conference and Workshop Papers

An improved saliency-based person re-identiļ¬cation
NGUYEN Thuy-Binh, PHAM Van Phu, LE Thi Lan, VO Le-Cuong
2nd International Workshop on Pattern Recognition for Multimedia Content Analysis (PR4MCA 2016) In conjunction with the 8th International Conference on Knowledge and System Engineering - 2016