ZOU's Publications

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Publications in 2017
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Anwendung von Technologien der Erweiterten Realität bei der Entwicklung eines Robotersystems für Montageaufgaben
ZOU Wenchao, LE Duc Tho, BERGER Ulrich
Automation 2017, Baden-Baden, Germany - June 2017


Towards a Mobile Robotic Assembly System Using a Compliant Robot
BERGER Ulrich, LE Duc Tho, ZOU Wenchao, ANDULKAR Mayur
Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Montage Handhabung Industrierobotik, Bremen, Gernany - February 2017
Publications in 2016
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Self Adaptive System for Flexible Robot Assembly Operation
LE Duc Tho, ANDULKAR Mayur, ZOU Wenchao, STäDTER Jost Philipp, BERGER Ulrich
Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Berlin, Germany - September 2016


Integration of a PID Control System for a Mobile System for Manufacturing Task on Continuous Conveyor
ZOU Wenchao, LE Duc Tho, BERGER Ulrich, LEHMANN Christian, STäDTER Jost Philipp, AMPATZOPOULOS Alexandros
8th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control, Troyes, France - June 2016


Entwicklung eines Regelsystems zur Synchronisation einer mobilen Plattform für Montageaufgaben in einer kontinuierlichen Fließfertigung
BERGER Ulrich, LE Duc Tho, ZOU Wenchao
Automation 2016, Baden-Baden, Germany - June 2016
Publications in 2015
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Development of a mobile robot system for assembly task on continuous conveyor
BERGER Ulrich, LE Duc Tho, ZOU Wenchao, LEHMANN Christian, STäDTER Jost Philipp, AMPATZOPOULOS Alexandros
International Conference on Innovative Technologies, pages 331-334, Dubrovnik, Croatia - September 2015
issn: ‎1849-0662


Synchronisation von mobilen Robotern zu einer kontinuierlichen Fließfertigung für Montageaufgaben
ZOU Wenchao, LE Duc Tho, LEHMANN Christian, BERGER Ulrich
Automation 2015, pages 465-475, Baden-Baden, Germany - June 2015
issn: 978-3-18-092258-4