LE's Publications

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Publications in 2006
Engineer Thesis

Mesurer la tension en utilisant un circuit specialiste PSOC
LE Thuy Linh
Institut Polytechnique de Hanoi - 2006


Mesurer la tension en ultilisant un circuit spécialisté PSOC
LE Thuy Linh
Rapport PFE Département D3I de IPH. - 2006
Publications in 2002
Engineer Thesis

Specialized software under LabVIEW for Speech Processing and Analysis
LE Thuy Linh
IPH - 2002
Publications in 2001
Engineer Thesis

Specialized software under LabVIEW for Speech Processing and Analysis
NGUYEN Hoang Nam, LE Thuy Linh
School of Electrical Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology - 2001