TRAN's Publications

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Publications in 2011
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Non-uniform unit selection in Vietnamese Speech Synthesis
DO Van Thao, TRAN Do Dat, NGUYEN Thi Thu Trang
The second International Symposium on Information and communication technology - SoICT2011, vol. 1, ACM - October 2011

National Conference and Workshop Papers

Interactive Museum Tour-Guide Robot based on Multimedia Technology
Vietnamese Conference on Control and Automation - VCCA 2011, Hanoi, Vietnam - November 2011

International Project Reports

Task Report 02 - Work package 04: Analyse et détection des événements anormaux par les sons.
TRAN Do Dat, PHAM Hai Binh
MICA Institute, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Research Report in Vietnamese - December 2011


Task report 01 - Work package 04: Analyse des activités et détection des évènements anormaux dans la vidéo
LE Thi Lan, NGUYEN Thi Thanh Mai, TRAN Do Dat
MICA institute, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Research report in vietnamese - September 2011


Task report - Work package 01: State of art of intelligent perceptive environment
MICA institute, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Technical report in Vietnamese - June 2011


Project U-Library rapport d'activite
MICA and Orange - June 2011

National Project Report

Vietnamese speech synthesis software
MICA Institute, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Final technical report, in Vietnamese - December 2011
Publications in 2010
National Conference and Workshop Papers

Evaluation the development of automation systems using speech based human machine interface
The 5th National Metrology Conference, Vietnam Metrology Institute, Hanoi, Vietnam - May 2010

International Project Reports

Etude et développement d'un système de surveillance pour l'assistance des personnes aveugles en environnement perceptif (SYPASA)
Franco-Vietnamese Programme Hubert Curien Hoa Sen/Lotus (Vietnam) - March 2010
Publications in 2008
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Register of Vietnamese Tones in Continuous Speech
SLTU'08 1st International workshop on Spoken Langages Technologies for Under-resourced languages, Hanoi, Vietnam - 2008


Registres des tons vietnamiens dans la parole continue
JEP/TALN 2008, Avignon, France - June 2008

National Project Report

Nghien cuu su dung Statecharts de phan tich, thiet ke cac he thong nhung thoi gian thuc va ung dung vao xay dung he thong do luong dieu khien tien tien cho moi truong cam thu.
Institut Polytechnique de Hanoi - 2008


Manuel d'utilisation de la proc?dure MOMEL--MELISM sous Praat, vol 1 et 2
, MICA, second - June 2008