TRAN's Publications

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Publications in 2016
PhD Thesis

Acoustic gesture modeling. Application to a Vietnamese speech recognition system
TRAN Thi Anh Xuan
Grenoble INP, E.E.A.T.S Doctoral School - March 2016
Publications in 2013
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Production and perception of pseudo-V1CV2 outside the vowel triangle: Speech illusion effects
TRAN Thi Anh Xuan, NGUYEN Viet Son, CASTELLI Eric, CARRE Rene
INTERSPEECH 2013, Lyon, France - August 2013
Publications in 2012
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Perception of the Vietnamese short vowels /, ,/ in /bVk/ produced by female voice
TRAN Thi Anh Xuan, CARRE Rene, CASTELLI Eric, VALLEE Nathalie
International Conference on Asian language processing - IALP 2012, Hanoi, Vietnam - November 2012
Publications in 2011
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Speech Enhancement Using Combination of Dereverberation and Noise Reduction for Robust Speech Recognition
TRAN Tien Dung, NGUYEN Dang Khoa, NGUYEN Quoc Cuong, NGUYEN Huu Binh, TRAN Thi Anh Xuan
The 2nd International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology - SoICT 2011, ACM, Hanoi, Vietnam - October 2011  doi: 10.1145/2069216.2069247


Using Vector Taylor Series for Vietnamese Speech Recognition systems in noise environments
NGUYEN Dang Khoa, TRAN Thi Anh Xuan, NGUYEN Quoc Cuong, NGUYEN Huu Binh
5th Sound East Asian Technical University Consortium - SEATUC 2011, Hanoi, Vietnam - February 2011
Publications in 2010
Masters Thesis

Study of robust automatic speech recognition – Application to Vietnamese Keywords recognition
TRAN Thi Anh Xuan
Master ISC, Hanoi University of Science and Technology - 2010