TRAN's Publications

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Publications in 2014
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Dynamic hand gesture recognition using RGB-D motion history and kernel descriptor
TRAN Thi Thanh Hai, VO Ta-Hoang, TRAN Duc-Tuan, LE Thi Lan, NGUYEN Thi Thuy
The International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications 2014 - 2014


Fully automatic leaf-based plant identification, application for Vietnamese medicinal plant search
LE Thi Lan, TRAN Duc-Tuan, HOANG Van-Nam
The fifth symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT 2014) - 2014


Kernel descriptor based plant leaf identification
LE Thi Lan, TRAN Duc-Tuan, PHAM Ngoc Hai
4th International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications - 2014

Engineer Thesis

Plant identification based on kernel descriptor
TRAN Duc-Tuan
PFIEV, K54, HUST - 2014