VU's Publications

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Publications in 2007
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Automatic question detection: prosodic--lexical features and crosslingual experiments
VU Minh Quang, BESACIER Laurent, CASTELLI Eric
Internationa Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 2007 - 2007

PhD Thesis

Exploitation de la prosodie pour la segmentation automatique et l'analyse du signal de parole
VU Minh Quang
INPG - 2007
Publications in 2006
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Classification de parole en Question et NonQuestion par arbre de decision
VU Minh Quang, CASTELLI Eric, BOUCHER Alain, BESACIER Laurent
SFC Recontre de la Societe Francophone de Clasification - 2006


A Decision Tree-based Method for Speech Processing: Question Sentence Detection
Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery LNAI 4223 - 2006

National Conference and Workshop Papers

A decision tree-based method for speech processing: question sentence detection
The 20th Scientific Conference of HUT - 2006
Publications in 2005
International Conference and Workshop Papers

A decision tree based method for speech segmentation into Question and NonQuestion
VU Minh Quang, BESACIER Laurent, CASTELLI Eric, PHAM Thi Ngoc Yen
RIVF 05 Recherche, Innovation & Vision du Futur, Can Tho, Vietnam - February 2005

National Conference and Workshop Papers

Extraction automatique de Questions dans les corpus de réunions et de dialogues
VU Minh Quang, BESACIER Laurent, CASTELLI Eric, PHAM Thi Ngoc Yen
anifestation des jeunes chercheurs francophones dans les domaines des STIC - 2005
Publications in 2004
National Conference and Workshop Papers

Interchange format-based language model for automatic speech recognition in speech-to-speech translation
VU Minh Quang, BESACIER Laurent, CASTELLI Eric, BIGI Brigitte, BLANCHON Herve
RIVF'04 Conference Recherche Informatique Vietnam & Francophonie - February 2004
Publications in 2002
Engineer Thesis

Réalisation du portail Internet du Centre MICA
VU Minh Quang
IPH - 2002
Publications in 2001
Engineer Thesis

Réalisation du portail Internet du Centre MICA.(rapport en français dans le cadre de la filière francophone d'informatique)
VU Minh Quang
School of Electrical Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology - 2001