NGUYEN's Publications

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Publications in 2008
National Conference and Workshop Papers

An implementation of wireless sensor network in using Bluetooth - Application to temperature measurement
Proceedings of the 4th Vietnam conference on mechatronics, pages 125 - 131, The 4th Vietnam conference on mechatronics - October 2008


Etude et realization d'un réseau de capteurs sans fil basés sur la technologie Bluetooth et application un système de température
4ème conférence du Vietnam sur la mécatronique, Danang, pages 125-131 - October 2008

International Project Reports

Nghien cuu xay dung mot khuon mau (framework) cho bai toan cung cap cac dich vu Web, thich nghi voi thiet bi dau cuoi, ung dung trong bai toan Do luong va Dieu khien
Institut Polytechnique de Hanoi - 2008


Conception and realization of optimal multilayered electromagnetic shielding of conducting composites in the mocrowave band
projet IPH-VLIR Fund - 2008

National Project Report

Nghien cuu su dung Statecharts de phan tich, thiet ke cac he thong nhung thoi gian thuc va ung dung vao xay dung he thong do luong dieu khien tien tien cho moi truong cam thu.
Institut Polytechnique de Hanoi - 2008

PhD Thesis

Infrastructure materielle et logicielle pour la fusion/fission d'Interface Homme-Machine NVTung.thesis.pdf
Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble - 2008

Engineer Thesis

Implémentation de geolocalisation GPS
NGUYEN Manh Hung
ITP, Hanoi University of Science and Technology - 2008


Etude du probleme de reconnaissance de mot pour le controle et l’implementation de l’algorithme sur le DSP 6713
Rapport PFE Programme PFIEV option II. - 2008


Non-wired sensor network using Bluetooth
DO Thi Thu Thuy, NGUYEN Thanh Son
School of Electrical Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology - 2008


Ethernet network
BUI Van Tuong, NGUYEN Kim Dung
School of Electrical Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology - 2008


Applications of acceleration sensor on mobile
NGUYEN Trong Nghia
PFIEV, Hanoi University of Science and Technology - 2008


Mesurer la résistance d’une ligne électricité et sa connexion ultilisant le composant intelligent ADE7753
Rapport PFE Département D3I de IPH. - 2008


Symbol recognition for disabled people
NGUYEN Ba Quy, DAO Anh Tuan
School of Electrical Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology - 2008


NGUYEN Quoc Bao, VU Duc Binh
PFIEV, Hanoi University of Science and Technology - 2008


Synthese de la parole
NGUYEN Van Hung, LAI Hoang Nam
PFIEV, Hanoi University of Science and Technology - 2008
Publications in 2007
Articles in Peer-Reviewed International Journals

Envelope detection based transition time supervision for online testing of RF MEMS switches
SIMEU Emmanuel, NGUYEN Hoang Nam
IEEE International On-Line Test Symposium, pages 237--243 - July 2007


Using signal envelope detection for RF MEMS switch testing
MIR Salvador, NGUYEN Hoang Nam
13th IEEE International Mixed-Signals Testing Workshop, pages 68--73 - June 2007


DFT (Design For Test) for MEMS
MIR Salvador, NGUYEN Hoang Nam
RF-MEMS Workshop on Industry Applications - June 2007

Articles in Peer-Reviewed National Journals

Ontology-based audio classification in detection of distress situations
Revue vietnamienne , pages 12--15 , vol. 61/2007 - 2007


Réseau sans fil Zigbee, une solution pour modéliser votre maison
Revue vietnamienne Automation Today, pages 44--45--46, vol. 77+78 - January 2007

International Conference and Workshop Papers

A speech coding method using an anthropomorphic and acoustic approach
The proceeding of the 10th conference of oriental chapter of the international coordinating committee on speech database and speech I/O system assessment (O-COCOSDA 2007), pages 155--159 - December 2007

Divers publications

Projets ISLAND et SCOUT, sur la prévention et la gestion des catastrophes naturelles
s?minaire - Centre de recherche international MICA - February 2007


Basics of Speech Processing (part 2)
s?minaire - Centre de recherche international MICA - January 2007

International Project Reports

11th quarterly report of the ASIA LINK <> Project
- October 2007

Engineer Thesis

MP3 signal
NGUYEN Manh Hong, LE Duy Hai
School of Electrical Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology - 2007