PHAM's Publications

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Publications in 2008
Engineer Thesis

Conception du système de contrôle d’un robot hexapode pour une utilisation après une catastrophe naturelle
Rapport PFE Département D3I de IPH. - 2008


Etudier et intégrer le système d’exploitation temps reel freerost sur le micro-controleur VIC.
PHAM Ngoc Hai
Rapport PFE Département D3I de IPH. - 2008
Publications in 2007
Articles in Peer-Reviewed National Journals

Ontology-based audio classification in detection of distress situations
Revue vietnamienne , pages 12--15 , vol. 61/2007 - 2007

International Conference and Workshop Papers

Investigation the largest Lyapunov exponent on the heart rate signal and the apnea
International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Applications (ACOMP 2007), Ho Chi Minh City, pages 59 - 64 - 2007


ECG system for an investigation of volunteer apnea
Second international conference on the development of biomedical engineering in Vietnam and second young Vietnamese scientists meeting, Hanoi, July 25 - 28th, 2007, pages 105 - 111 - 2007


Detrended Fluctuation analysis of the heart rate signal_A parameter for studying the apnea
Southeast Asia Technical University Consortium (SEATUC 1st), Thailand, pages 56 - 59 - 2007

Divers publications

Etudier le concept d'un système réseaux de smart environnement pour la gestion et développement des services administratifs et technologiques dans les zones industrielles, commerciales, usines, hopitaux et université
- 2007


Développement d'un système utilisant la technolobie RFID basse fréquence pour developer des services de contrôle individuel d'accès et de ticket informatique
- 2007

Engineer Thesis

RTOS operating system
School of Electrical Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology - 2007


Localization system for smart campus
PFIEV, Hanoi University of Science and Technology - 2007


Reconnaissance de la parole par modelisation des gestes
PHAM Duy Tung
ESISAR - 2007
Publications in 2006
Articles in Peer-Reviewed National Journals

Denoise the signal ECG, Journal of Science and Technology
Journal of Science and Technology, (ISBN 0868-3980), Vol 56/2006, pages 28-30 - 2006

International Conference and Workshop Papers

Graph based model for Object Representation
TRAN Thi Thanh Hai, PHAM T.T., LUX Augustin
Int. Conf. on Theories and Applications of Computer Science, eProceedings, pages 65-78 - 2006


First Steps to an Audio Ontology-Based Classifier for Telemedicine
Advanced Data Mining and Applications, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 4093 - 2006


A Decision Tree-based Method for Speech Processing: Question Sentence Detection
Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery LNAI 4223 - 2006


Ontology-Based Classifier for Audio Scenes in Telemedicine
Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, Lecture Notes in Computer Science - 2006

National Conference and Workshop Papers

Detection of R peaks of electrocardiogram by wavelet transformation
Journal of Science and Technology, (ISBN 0868-3980), Vol 56/2006, pages 22-24 - 2006


"Cam bien" hong ngoai: Mot giai phap phat hien cac tai nguyen tuong tac
Hoi nghi khoa hoc lan thu 20 - Truong DHBK Ha Noi - Phan ban Dien, Truong DHBK Ha Noi - 2006


A decision tree-based method for speech processing: question sentence detection
The 20th Scientific Conference of HUT - 2006


Using quadratic spline Wavelet for detection R peaks of the electrocardiogram
Conference commemorating 30 years of the establishment of Institute of Technology and Information - 2006

Divers publications

2nd interim report of the ASIA LINK CONE Project. December 5, 2006, 25 p.
- 2006

National Project Report

Projet VLSP (Vietnamese Language and Speech Processing
- February 2006
Publications in 2005
Articles in Peer-Reviewed National Journals

Calculation of instant frequency of periodic signal by wavelet transformation
Vietnam Journal on Automation Today, special edition - 2005


Method of conductivity measurement
Chuyen san Tu dong hoa Ngay nay - 2005


Record quickly signals with the NI-DAQ cards and software Labview
Vietnam Journal on Automation Today, Vol.62, October 2005, pages 25 - 2005