NGUYEN's Publications

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Publications in 2005
Articles in Peer-Reviewed National Journals

Record quickly signals with the NI-DAQ cards and software Labview
Vietnam Journal on Automation Today, Vol.62, October 2005, pages 25 - 2005

National Conference and Workshop Papers

Co so ky thuat do
- 2005


Filter and continuous display with Labview software
PHAN Duy Hung, NGUYEN Thi Lan Huong
National Conference of measurement, 11-12 November 2005, pages 387 - 390 - 2005


Internet applications for making experiment for online technical education and supervising the measured data
- April 2005


Design of isolating transductor of conductivity
The 6th Vietnamese Conference on Automation VICA6 - April 2005

PhD Thesis

Application des résultats de l'instrumentation virtuelle pour la synthèse en instrumentation.
IPH - 2005
Publications in 2004
Articles in Peer-Reviewed International Journals

Application of the Wavelet transformation to denoising and analyzing the speech
The 2004 International Conference on Electronics, Informations and Communications (ICEIC 2004) - August 2004

Articles in Peer-Reviewed National Journals

Introduction aux techniques et strategies de detection des messages d`entree et de sortie dans les problemes de fusion d`interfaces homme-machine
Revue vietnamienne Automation Today, pages 34-38, vol. 50 - December 2004

International Conference and Workshop Papers

Application of the Wavelet transformation to denoising and analyzing the speech
International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communications (ICEIC 2004), Hanoi, pages 249 - 253 - 2004
Publications in 2003
National Project Report

Applications de LabVIEW pour concevoir des instruments virtuels pour l'instrumentation et le contrôle.
Projet du Ministère de l'Education et de la Formation du Vietnam, 200p. (rapport en vietnamien) - 2003
Publications in 2002
Articles in Peer-Reviewed International Journals

The virtual instrumentation in research: a tool for editing and analyzing speech signals
5th Vietnamese International Conference on Automation VICA5 - 2002

Articles in Peer-Reviewed National Journals

Evaluation automatique d'un Instrument virtuel
5th Vietnamese International Conference on Automation VICA5 - 2002


Virtual Instrument - New application in the future
The 3rd Vietnam Metrology conference - 2002

National Conference and Workshop Papers

Theory and design in instrumentation and control system based on CIM model (Computer Integrated Manufacturing)
NGUYEN T. Q., NGUYEN Thi Lan Huong
5th Vietnamese Conference on Automation VICA5 - Hanoi - 24-26 October 2002, pages 241-246 - October 2002