Reconnaissance Automatique de la Parole pour des Langues peu Dotées : Application au Vietnamien et au Khmer

BESACIER Laurent, LE Viet Bac, CASTELLI Eric, SAM Sethserey, PROTIN Ludovic
TALN and pi-languages workshop - June 2005
We present here a methodology for fast development of ASR systems for new under-resourced languages. The resources collected for vietnamese, and the experimental results of our first vietnamese ASR system are presented. Our best system obtains 64% of word accuracy rate. The current validation of our methodology for khmer language is also described at the end of this paper

BibTex references

  author       = {BESACIER, L. and LE, V. and CASTELLI, E. and SAM, S. and PROTIN, L.},
  title        = {Reconnaissance Automatique de la Parole pour des Langues peu Dotées : Application au Vietnamien et au Khmer},
  booktitle    = {TALN and pi-languages workshop},
  month        = {June},
  year         = {2005},
  address      = {Dourdan, France},
  url          = {/2005/BLCSP05},

Other publications in the database

» Laurent BESACIER
» Viet Bac LE
» Sethserey SAM
» Ludovic PROTIN