Locus equation pour les consonnes /b/, /d/ et /x/ du vietnamien
Locus equation measurements are one approach used to characterise vocal tract resonances during stop consonant production, the place of articulation of the consonant and the nature of the vowel-consonant transition. Taking up again previous literature studies, the aim of the present work is to applying locus equation measurements to Vietnamese language, for two stop voiced consonants /b/ and /d/, and for the specific velar voiced fricative consonant /ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ/. Because Vietnamese is a tonal language, a specific corpus was built, in order to avoid as much as possible tonal co-articulation effects. We also take into account the two specific vowels that present dynamic characteristics. Comparisons with other languages are given at the end of this study.
BibTex references
author = {CASTELLI, E. and HIERHOLTZ, A.},
title = {Locus equation pour les consonnes /b/, /d/ et /x/ du vietnamien},
booktitle = {JEP 2006},
month = {June},
year = {2006},
address = {Dinard, France},
url = {/2006/CH06},
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