Using signal envelope detection for online and offline RF MEMS switch testing

SIMEU Emmanuel, NGUYEN Hoang Nam, MIR Salvador
Journal of VLSI DesignJournal of VLSI Design, Volume 2008, Number 3 - January 2008

BibTex references

  author       = {SIMEU, E. and NGUYEN, H. and MIR, S.},
  title        = {Using signal envelope detection for online and offline RF MEMS switch testing},
  journal      = {Journal of VLSI DesignJournal of VLSI Design},
  number       = {3},
  volume       = {2008},
  month        = {January},
  year         = {2008},
  publisher    = {Ed. Hindawi},
  url          = {/2008/SNM08},

Other publications in the database

» Emmanuel SIMEU
» Hoang Nam NGUYEN
» Salvador MIR