Speech Modulation Features for Robust Nonnative Speech Accent Detection

SAM Sethserey, XIAO Xiong, BESACIER Laurent, CASTELLI Eric, LI Haizhou, SCHNG Eng Siong
INTERSPEECH 2011 - August 2011

BibTex references

  author       = {SAM, S. and XIAO, X. and BESACIER, L. and CASTELLI, E. and LI, H. and SCHNG, E.},
  title        = {Speech Modulation Features for Robust Nonnative Speech Accent Detection},
  booktitle    = {INTERSPEECH 2011},
  month        = {August},
  year         = {2011},
  address      = {Florence, Italy},
  url          = {/2011/SXBCLS11},

Other publications in the database

» Sethserey SAM
» Laurent BESACIER
» Haizhou LI