Taking into account uncertainties due to the inhabitants behaviour in anticipative energy management for dwellings

LE Minh Hoang, PLOIX Stéphane, JACOMINO Mireille
The Second International Conference on Building Energy and Environment, page 961-970 - 2012

BibTex references

  author       = {LE, M. and PLOIX, S. and JACOMINO, M.},
  title        = {Taking into account uncertainties due to the inhabitants behaviour in anticipative energy management for dwellings},
  booktitle    = {The Second International Conference on Building Energy and Environment},
  pages        = {961-970},
  year         = {2012},
  address      = {Boulder, Colorado, USA},
  issn         = {978-0-9816881-9-0 },
  url          = {/2012/LPJ12a},

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» Minh Hoang LE
» Stéphane PLOIX
» Mireille JACOMINO