Tone and intonation: introductory notes and practical recommendations

MICHAUD Alexis, VAISSIèRE Jacqueline
KALIPHO - Kieler Arbeiten zur Linguistik und Phonetik, Volume 3, page 43-80 - 2015

BibTex references

  author       = {MICHAUD, A. and VAISSIèRE, J.},
  title        = {Tone and intonation: introductory notes and practical recommendations},
  journal      = {KALIPHO - Kieler Arbeiten zur Linguistik und Phonetik},
  volume       = {3},
  pages        = {43-80},
  year         = {2015},
  issn         = {2364-2440},
  url          = {/2015/MV15},

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» Alexis MICHAUD
» Jacqueline VAISSIèRE