TOMCZAK's Publications

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Publications in 2002
Articles in Peer-Reviewed International Journals

Development of a semi automatic system for pollen recognition
BOUCHER Alain, HIDALGO Pablo J., THONNAT Monique, BELMONTE Jordina, GALAN Carmen, BONTON Pierre, TOMCZAK Regis
Aerobiologia, pages 195-201, vol. 18, num. 3-4 - December 2002


Colour image in 2D and 2D microscopy for the automation of pollen rate measurement
BONTON Pierre, BOUCHER Alain, THONNAT Monique, TOMCZAK Regis, HIDALGO Pablo J., BELMONTE Jordina, GALAN Carmen
Image Analysis and Stereology , pages 25-30, vol. 21, num. 1 - March 2002