...organisé par l'Institut MICA, le mardi 22 novembre 2011, dans le cadre du projet SYSAPA du programme de coopération bilatéral franco-vietnamien PHC Hoa Sen/Lotus.

Workshop “Multimedia information processing, application in healthcare domain” is organized in the framework of the SYSAPA international project that belongs to the LOTUS international cooperation protocol in science and technology between France and Vietnam.

The workshop takes place at MICA institute, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, it focus on issues on multimedia information processing and their applications in healthcare domain with the following topics:
- Image processing
- Audio signal processing
- Natural language processing
- Application in healthcare.

Researchers from France (GETALP - LIG, ENSEEIHT- INP Toulouse) and Vietnam (MICA-HUST, SEE-HUST) participate and contribute 10 presentations for the workshop.


Le projet SYSAPA "Système de surveillande pour l'assistance des personnes aveugles en environnement perceptifs" est un projet du programme franco-vietnamien Hoa Sen/Lotus en partenariat avec IMEP-LAHC (Grenoble), TIMC (Grenoble) et ENSEEIHT (Toulouse) - MICA leader