CASTELLI's Publications

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Publications in 2005
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Production and Perception of Vietnamese Vowels
INTERSPEECH 2005, Lisbon, Portugal - September 2005


Reconnaissance Automatique de la Parole pour des Langues peu Dotées : Application au Vietnamien et au Khmer
BESACIER Laurent, LE Viet Bac, CASTELLI Eric, SAM Sethserey, PROTIN Ludovic
TALN and pi-languages workshop, Dourdan, France - June 2005


A decision tree based method for speech segmentation into Question and NonQuestion
VU Minh Quang, BESACIER Laurent, CASTELLI Eric, PHAM Thi Ngoc Yen
RIVF 05 Recherche, Innovation & Vision du Futur, Can Tho, Vietnam - February 2005

National Conference and Workshop Papers

Project filter through the placement of poles and zeros and apply for denoising electrocardiogram
National Conference of measurement, 11-12 November 2005, pages 326 - 328 - 2005


Extraction automatique de Questions dans les corpus de réunions et de dialogues
VU Minh Quang, BESACIER Laurent, CASTELLI Eric, PHAM Thi Ngoc Yen
anifestation des jeunes chercheurs francophones dans les domaines des STIC - 2005


Améliorer la qualité du son dans un environnement (article en vietnamien)
Vietnam metrology conference, Hanoi, 11/2005 - 2005


Internet applications for making experiment for online technical education and supervising the measured data
- April 2005

Divers publications

Emotion detection in audio-video documents
Workshop of the second ISERE project meeting, Centre MICA - 2005


Projet SEPIA-V Système d'Etudes du Patrimoine des Inscriptions Anciennes au Vietnam
- 2005


Rapport d'activité du Centre MICA, Juin 2005, 124 p.
NGUYEN Trong Giang, PHAM Thi Ngoc Yen, CASTELLI Eric
- 2005


First Interim report of the ASIA LINK "CONE" Project. December 10th, 2005, 22 p.
- 2005


Project "CONE" (Collaborative Open Network for Education)
Asia-Link Networking Meeting, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - September 2005


Research activities on speech processing of MICA Center
The first workshop of Natural Language Processing, Hanoi, Vietnam - - March 2005

International Project Reports

Traitement Automatique de la Langue Khmer
SAM Sethserey, PROTIN Ludovic, CASTELLI Eric
- May 2005
Publications in 2004
Articles in Peer-Reviewed International Journals

Application of the Wavelet transformation to denoising and analyzing the speech
The 2004 International Conference on Electronics, Informations and Communications (ICEIC 2004) - August 2004

Articles in Peer-Reviewed National Journals

Mesure mecanique: appareil de mesure d`ecart de forme
LE Van Doanh, CASTELLI Eric
Revue vietnamienne Automation Today, pages 30-31, vol. 49 - 2004


Le Centre MICA: un modele de partenariat
Revue "Themag" de l`INP Grenoble, pages 8-9, vol. 2 - 2004


Introduction aux techniques et strategies de detection des messages d`entree et de sortie dans les problemes de fusion d`interfaces homme-machine
Revue vietnamienne Automation Today, pages 34-38, vol. 50 - December 2004


Amelioration de la fiabilite des systemes d`information industrielle
LE Van Doanh, CASTELLI Eric
Revue vietnamienne Automation Today, pages 11-14, vol. 46 - June 2004


Les applications des MEMS pour la micro-electronique biomedicale
LE Van Doanh, CASTELLI Eric
Revue vietnamienne Automation Today, pages 17-18, vol. 45 - May 2004


Quand le rayon laser se trompe sur l'état des machines d'usinage
LE Van Doanh, CASTELLI Eric
Revue vietnamienne Automation Today, pages 13-14, 27, vol. 44 - April 2004


Inauguration et evaluation scientifique du Centre MICA
Bulletin franco-vietnamien du P.F.I.E.V., pages 12-13, vol. no 6 - April 2004


Test in situ de cartes electroniques basse tension
LE Van Doanh, CASTELLI Eric
Revue vietnamienne Automation Today, pages 35-38, vol. 43 - March 2004

International Conference and Workshop Papers

Sound Processing for Health and Smart Home
Toward a Human -- Friendly Assistive Environment, Volume 14 - 2004


Sound system analysis for health smart home
International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communications (ICEIC 2004), Hanoi - 2004