DO's Publications

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Publications in 2020
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Person Search by Queried Description in Vietnamese Natural Language
PHAM Thanh Thuy, NGUYEN Dinh-Duc, TA Ba Hoang Phuc, NGUYEN Thuy-Binh, DO Thi Ngoc Diep, LE Thi Lan
12th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS 2020) - march 2020
Publications in 2018
National Conference and Workshop Papers

TRAN Thi Thu Thuy, DO Thi Ngoc Diep, MAC Dang Khoa, PHAM Van Dong
FAIR - Fundamental and Applied IT Research - 2018
Publications in 2017
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Optimizing data transmission on mobile platform for speech translation system
1st Conference on OCR and NLP for ASEAN Languages, Phnom Penh, Cambodia - november 2017
Publications in 2016
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Indoor navigation assistance system for visually impaired people using multimodal technologies
The 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), IEEE - November 2016
issn: 978-1-5090-4757-4


A Domotic Solution with Vietnamese Speech Interaction
Proceedings of the 9th regional conference on electrical and electronics engineering, pages 258-262 - november 2016

Divers publications

Instrumenations controlled by Vietnamese voice
VLSP 2016 workshop - November 2016

International Project Reports

Last results on automatic translation for Vietnamese-French and Vietnamese-Japanese
MICA - November 2016

National Project Report

Research and Development of a speech translation system from Vietnamese to Muong speech, application directions for non-written languages of ethnic minority groups in Vietnam
MICA - December 2016
Publications in 2015
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Machine Translation from Japanese and French to Vietnamese, the Difference among Language Families
DO Thi Ngoc Diep, UTIYAMA Masao, SUMITA Eiichiro
International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP), Suzhou,China - October 2015

International Project Reports

Projet « ShootMyMind ». Rapport première réunion à Hanoi
CASTELLI Eric, RENOUST Benjamin, QUENOT G., DO Thi Ngoc Diep
Programme STIC-ASIE - 2015


ZEIN2012RIP19: Yearly Project Report: Visually Impaired People Assistance using Multimodal Technology
MICA - August 2015


ZEIN2012RIP19: Yearly Project Report: Visually Impaired People Assistance using Multimodal Technology
MICA - August 2015

National Project Report

KC03.07/11-15: Technical report 1 of the project KC03 - Phase 2
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - October 2015


KC03.07/11-15: Technical report 2 of the project KC03 - Phase 2
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - October 2015


KC03.07/11-15: Final report of the project KC03-Phase 2
MICA - October 2015


KC03.07/11-15: Summarize report of the project KC03 - Phase 2
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - October 2015


KC03.07/11-15: SS0040 Testing and evaluating the ASR system with simulation and real speech database (for oscillator)
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - June 2015


KC03.07/11-15: SS0111 Analyzing the environment condition and propose speech enhancement method to build a robustness ASR system
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - June 2015


KC03.07/11-15: SS0034 Testing and evaluating the ASR system with simulation and real speech database (for function generator)
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - June 2015


KC03.07/11-15: SS0041 Studying and fusion some methods for integrating in a robusness ASR system
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - June 2015

Internal Reports

Study and develop a speech translation system on smartphone, applied for French-to-Vietnamese
MICA-HUST - 2015

Invited Seminar

Mining parallel corpora for multilingual machine translation system
Publications in 2014
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Towards the automatic processing of Yongning Na (Sino-Tibetan): developing a ‘light’ acoustic model of the target language and applying ‘heavyweight’ models from five national languages
4th International Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies for Under-resourced Languages (SLTU 2014) - May 2014
Publications in 2013
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Machine Translation Approach for Vietnamese Diacritic Restoration
IALP 2013 - 2013

National Project Report

Assistant system for blind people listening short messages in smartphone
MICA-HUST - 2013


APRIL Avancées dans le Prototypage Rapide pour l'Informatisation des Langues, soumission de projet
Programme CNRS PEPS interdisciplinaire HuMaIn 2013 - February 2013
Publications in 2012
International Conference and Workshop Papers

YAST : A scalable ASR toolkit especially designed for under-resourced languages
FERRAGNE Emmanuel, NOCERA Pascal, GOUDI Maria, DO Thi Ngoc Diep
International Conference on Asian language processing - IALP 2012, Hanoi, Vietnam - November 2012

Internal Reports

Study and develop a parallel text corpus for Vietnamese and other under-resourced languages
MICA-HUST - 2012


Nghiên cứu và xây dựng bộ cơ sở dữ liệu văn bản song song, áp dụng cho tiếng Việt và các ngôn ngữ nghèo dữ liệu khác
MICA-HUST - 2012


Nghiên cứu và xây dựng bộ cơ sở dữ liệu văn bản song song, áp dụng cho tiếng Việt và các ngôn ngữ nghèo dữ liệu khác
MICA-HUST - 2012
Publications in 2011
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Mining Parallel Data from Comparable Corpora via Triangulation
International Conference on Asian language processing - IALP 2011, Penang, Malaysia - November 2011

PhD Thesis

Extraction de corpus parallèle pour la traduction automatique depuis et vers une langue peu dotée
Université de Grenoble - 2011
Publications in 2010
International Conference and Workshop Papers

A fully unsupervised approach for mining parallel data from comparable corpora
14th Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation - 2010


Apprentissage non supervisé pour la traduction automatique : application à un couple de langues peu doté
Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2010), Montréal, Canada - 2010


Improved Vietnamese-French parallel corpus mining using English language
International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation - IWSLT 2010, Paris, France - December 2010


LIG Statistical Machine Translation Systems for IWSLT 2010
BESACIER Laurent, AFLI Haithem, DO Thi Ngoc Diep, BLANCHON Herve, POTET Marion
International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation - IWSLT 2010, Paris, France - December 2010


Unsupervised SMT for a low-resourced language pair
The 2nd International workshop on Spoken Language Technologies for Under-resourced languages - SLTU 2010, Penang, Malaysia - May 2010
Publications in 2009
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Exploitation d’un corpus bilingue comparable pour la création d’un système de traduction probabiliste Vietnamien – Français
DO Thi Ngoc Diep, LE Viet Bac, BIGI Brigitte, BESACIER Laurent, CASTELLI Eric
Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel - TALN 2009, Senlis, France - June 2009


Mining a comparable text corpus for a Vietnamese - French statistical machine translation system
DO Thi Ngoc Diep, LE Viet Bac, BIGI Brigitte, BESACIER Laurent, CASTELLI Eric
The 4th Workshop on statistical machine translation - EACL 2009, Athens, Greece - March 2009
Publications in 2008
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Recent advances in Automatic Speech Recognition for Vietnamese
LE Viet Bac, BESACIER Laurent, SENG Sopheap, BIGI Brigitte, DO Thi Ngoc Diep
International workshop on Spoken Langages Technologies for Under-resourced languages - 2008