PHAM's Publications

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Publications in 2020
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Person Search by Queried Description in Vietnamese Natural Language
PHAM Thanh Thuy, NGUYEN Dinh-Duc, TA Ba Hoang Phuc, NGUYEN Thuy-Binh, DO Thi Ngoc Diep, LE Thi Lan
12th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS 2020) - march 2020
Publications in 2019
Articles in Peer-Reviewed International Journals

Effective Multi-shot Person Re-identification through Representative Frames Selection and Temporal Feature Pooling
NGUYEN Thuy-Binh, LE Thi Lan, PHAM Thanh Thuy, PHAM Ngoc-Nam
Multimedia Tools and Applications - 2019

International Conference and Workshop Papers

A Quantitative Analysis of the Effect of Human Detection and Segmentation Quality in Person Re-identification Performance
NGUYEN Thuy-Binh, NGUYEN Hong-Quan, LE Thi Lan, PHAM Thanh Thuy, PHAM Ngoc-Nam
2nd Int. Conference on Multimedia Analysis and Pattern Recognition (MAPR) - may 2019
Publications in 2018
International Conference and Workshop Papers

An effective implementation of Gaussian of Gaussian descriptor for person re-identification
NGUYEN Thuy-Binh, TRAN Duc-Long, LE Thi Lan, PHAM Thanh Thuy, DOAN Thi Huong Giang
The 5th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS) - 2018
Publications in 2017
Articles in Peer-Reviewed International Journals

Improvement of Person Tracking Accuracy in Camera Network by Fusing WiFi and Visual Information
PHAM Thanh Thuy, LE Thi Lan, DAO Trung Kien
Informatica (Emerging SCI) - june 2017
issn: 0350-5596

PhD Thesis

Person localization and identification by fusion of vision and wifi
PHAM Thanh Thuy
HUST - 2017
Publications in 2016
Articles in Peer-Reviewed International Journals

Person Re-Identification for Non-overlapping Cameras in Multimodal Person Localization
PHAM Thanh Thuy, LE Thi Lan, DAO Trung Kien
International Journal On Advances in Systems and Measurements, vol. 9, num. 1&2 - june 2016


Fully-automated person re-identification in multi-camera surveillance system with a robust kernel descriptor and effective shadow removal method
PHAM Thanh Thuy, LE Thi Lan, VU Hai, DAO Trung Kien, NGUYEN Van Toi
Image and Vision Computing, Elsevier - march 2016

Articles in Peer-Reviewed National Journals

A device-independent method for object localization based on WiFi RSSI fingerprinting
PHAM Thanh Thuy, DAO Trung Kien, LE Thi Lan, NGUYEN Anh Duc
Journal of Science and Technology Technical Universities, vol. 113 - january 2016
issn: 2354-1083

International Conference and Workshop Papers

Fusion of WiFi and visual signals for person tracking
PHAM Thanh Thuy, LE Thi Lan, DAO Trung Kien
The Seventh International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT 2016) - December 2016


Analytical method for multimodal localization combination using Wi-Fi and camera
The 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), IEEE - November 2016
issn: 978-1-5090-4757-4


Indoor navigation assistance system for visually impaired people using multimodal technologies
The 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), IEEE - November 2016
issn: 978-1-5090-4757-4
Publications in 2015
Articles in Peer-Reviewed National Journals

Dataset construction for multi-modal person localization and identification evaluation
PHAM Thanh Thuy, TA Viet Cuong, LE Thi Lan, DAO Trung Kien, PHAM Thi Ngoc Yen
Journal of Science and Technology Technical Universities, pages 112-117, vol. 107c, num. 21 - 2015

International Conference and Workshop Papers

A robust model for person re-identification in multi-modal person localization
PHAM Thanh Thuy, LE Thi Lan, DAO Trung Kien, NGUYEN Van Toi, LE Duy Hung
The Ninth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies (UBICOMM 2015), ISBN: 978-1-61208-418-3 - 2015
issn: 978-1-61208-418-3


A Robust Shadow Removal Technique Applying For Person Localization in a Surveillance Environment
PHAM Thanh Thuy, VU Hai, PHAM Anh Tuan
Proceeding of The Sixth International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT 2015), ACM - 2015

National Conference and Workshop Papers

A new technique for linking person trajectories in surveillance camera network
PHAM Thanh Thuy, VU Hai, PHAM Anh Tuan
The 8th Vietnamese Conference FAIR - Fundamental and Applied IT Research, Hanoi, VietNam, 2015 - 2015

Internal Reports

B2013.01.48: Shortened project final report
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: Project final report
MICA - june 2015
Publications in 2014
Articles in Peer-Reviewed International Journals

User localization in complex environments by multimodal combination of GPS, WiFi, RFID and pedometer technologies
The Scientific World Journal, Hindawi, vol. 2014, num. 814538 - March 2014  doi: 10.1155/2014/814538

Articles in Peer-Reviewed National Journals

Access control using face recognition
Journal of Science and Technology Technical Universities - 2014

National Conference and Workshop Papers

Vision-based object detection, tracking and localization for indoor environment
2014 National Conference on Electronics, Communications and Information Technology – REV-ECIT2014 - 2014
Publications in 2013
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Multimodal combination of GPS, WiFi, RFID and step count for user localization
The 8th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Technologies and Applications, Springer, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, pages 675--681, Danang, Vietnam - December 2013  doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-41671-2_86


A robust WLAN positioning system based on probabilistic propagation model
The 9th International Conference on Intelligent Environments - IE'13, IEEE, pages 24--29, Athens, Greece - July 2013  doi: 10.1109/IE.2013.8

National Conference and Workshop Papers

Toward to a hybrid mobile object localization method based on WiFi and image
Fundamental and Applied IT Research 2013, Hue - June 2013