LE's Publications

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Publications in 2016
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Integration of a PID Control System for a Mobile System for Manufacturing Task on Continuous Conveyor
ZOU Wenchao, LE Duc Tho, BERGER Ulrich, LEHMANN Christian, STäDTER Jost Philipp, AMPATZOPOULOS Alexandros
8th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control, Troyes, France - June 2016


Selections of Suitable UAV Imagery Configurations for Regions Classification
VU Hai, LE Thi Lan, NGUYEN Van Giap, DINH Tan-Hung
8th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS 2016), Springer, LNCS/LNAI - March 2016


NGUYEN Thanh Huong, LE Minh Hoang
10th Sound East Asian Technical University Consortium Symposium - SEATUC 2016 - February 2016


Building Thermal Modeling Based on Energy Consumption and Ambient Temperature
LE Minh Hoang, NGUYEN Trung Kien
10th Sound East Asian Technical University Consortium Symposium - SEATUC 2016, pages 480 - 2016

Masters Thesis

Human posture recognition from multiple Kinects
NGUYEN Van Long, LE Thi Lan
SEE - 2016

Engineer Thesis

Saliency-based person reidentification
PHAM Van Phu, LE Thi Lan
School of Electronics and Telecommunications - 2016

Invited Conference

Information retrieval service for biodiversity: application to Vietnamese medicinal plant identification
Workshop on ICT Research and Innovation for Sustainable Economic and Social Devleopment in ASEAN (ASEAN RISE2016) - May 2016

Invited Seminar

Feature extraction for object recognition


Computer vision group
Publications in 2015
Articles in Peer-Reviewed International Journals

Real-Time Obstacle Detection System in Indoor Environment for Visually Impaired Using Microsoft Kinect Sensor
PHAM Huy Hieu, LE Thi Lan, VUILLERME Nicolas
Journal of Sensors, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, pages 1-13, vol. 11 - January 2015

Articles in Peer-Reviewed National Journals

Dataset construction for multi-modal person localization and identification evaluation
PHAM Thanh Thuy, TA Viet Cuong, LE Thi Lan, DAO Trung Kien, PHAM Thi Ngoc Yen
Journal of Science and Technology Technical Universities, pages 112-117, vol. 107c, num. 21 - 2015


Building thermal modeling using equivalent electric circuit: Application to the public building platform
Automation Today (Special Issue on Control and Automation), pages 26-33, vol. 14 - 2015
issn: 1859-0551

International Conference and Workshop Papers

Complex background leaf-based plant identification method based on interactive segmentation and kernel descriptor
LE Thi Lan, DUONG Nam Duong, NGUYEN Van Toi, VU Hai, HOANG Van-Nam, NGUYEN Thi Thanh Nhan
The 2nd International Workshop on Environmental Multimedia Retrieval (EMR 2015) in Conjunction with ACM Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), ISBN: 978-1-4503-3274-3, China - 2015


A New Hand Representation Based on Kernels for Hand Posture Recognition
NGUYEN Van Toi, LE Thi Lan, TRAN Thi Thanh Hai, MULLOT Remy, COURBOULAY Vincent
The Eleventh IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2015), ISBN: 978-1-4799-6025-5 - 2015


A Web-based Plant Identification Application Using Multi-Organ Images Query
DUONG Nam Duong, LE Thi Lan, VU Hai
Regional Conference on Computer and Information Engineering (RCCIE), ISBN: 978-604-938-689-3 - 2015


Using hand postures for interacting with assistant robot in library
NGUYEN Van Toi, TRAN Thi Thanh Hai, LE Thi Lan, MULLOT Remy, COURBOULAY Vincent
The 1st International Workshop on Pattern Recognition for Multimedia Content Analysis (PR4MCA 2015) In conjunction with the 7th International Conference on Knowledge and System Engineering, ISBN 978-1-4673-8013-3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam - 2015


Query-based 3D Object Finding Using Geometrical Constraints on Depth Images for Assisting the Visually Impaired
LE Van Hung, NGUYEN Thi Thuy, VU Hai, LE Thi Lan, TRAN Thi Thanh Hai, VLAMINCK Michiel , WILFRIED Philips, VEELAERT Peter
The 1st International Workshop on Pattern Recognition for Multimedia Content Analysis (PR4MCA 2015) In conjunction with the 7th International Conference on Knowledge and System Engineering, ISBN 978-1-4673-8013-3 - 2015


A robust model for person re-identification in multi-modal person localization
PHAM Thanh Thuy, LE Thi Lan, DAO Trung Kien, NGUYEN Van Toi, LE Duy Hung
The Ninth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies (UBICOMM 2015), ISBN: 978-1-61208-418-3 - 2015
issn: 978-1-61208-418-3


Comparative study on vision based rice seed varieties identification
PHAN Thi Thu Hong, TRAN Thi Thanh Hai, LE Thi Lan, VO Ta-Hoang, NGUYEN Thi Thuy
The 1st International Workshop on Pattern Recognition for Multimedia Content Analysis (PR4MCA 2015) In conjunction with the 7th International Conference on Knowledge and System Engineering, ISBN 978-1-4673-8013-3 - 2015


MICA at LifeCLEF 2015: Multi-organ Plant Identi cation
LE Thi Lan, DUONG Nam Duong, VU Hai, NGUYEN Thi Thanh Nhan
CLEF 2015 Working Notes proceedings - 2015
issn: 1613-0073


Automatic cattle location tracking using image processing
DAO Trung Kien, LE Thi Lan, HARLE David, MURRAY Paul, TACHTATZIS Christos, MARSHALL Stephen, MICHIE Craig, ANDONOVIC Ivan
The 2015 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), pages 5, Nice, France - September 2015
issn: 2076-1465  doi: 978-0-9928626-4-0


Development of a mobile robot system for assembly task on continuous conveyor
BERGER Ulrich, LE Duc Tho, ZOU Wenchao, LEHMANN Christian, STäDTER Jost Philipp, AMPATZOPOULOS Alexandros
International Conference on Innovative Technologies, pages 331-334, Dubrovnik, Croatia - September 2015
issn: ‎1849-0662


Synchronisation von mobilen Robotern zu einer kontinuierlichen Fließfertigung für Montageaufgaben
ZOU Wenchao, LE Duc Tho, LEHMANN Christian, BERGER Ulrich
Automation 2015, pages 465-475, Baden-Baden, Germany - June 2015
issn: 978-3-18-092258-4

National Conference and Workshop Papers

Vietnamese medicinal plants retrieval system for Android
The 17th national conference: selected problems about IT and Telecommunication, ISBN: 978-604-67-0426-3, Tay Nguyen - 2015
issn: ISBN: 978-604-67-0426-3


Table plane detection using Geometrical constraints on depth images
LE Van Hung, VU Hai, NGUYEN Thi Thuy, LE Thi Lan, TRAN Thi Thanh Hai
The 8th Vietnamese Conference FAIR - Fundamental and Applied IT Research, Hanoi, VietNam, 2015, ISBN: 978-604-913-397-8 - 2015