ANDONOVIC's Publications

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Publications in 2020
Divers publications

RGB and VIS/NIR Hyperspectral Imaging Data for 90 Rice Seed Varieties
VU Hai, TACHTATZIS Christos, MURRAY Paul, HARLE David, DAO Trung Kien, ANDONOVIC Ivan, MARSHALL Stephen, FABIYI Samson
Zenodo - - january 2020
Publications in 2019
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Comparative Study of PCA and LDA for Rice Seeds Quality Inspection
FABIYI Samson , VU Hai, TACHTATZIS Christos, MURRAY Paul, HARLE David, DAO Trung Kien, ANDONOVIC Ivan, MARSHALL Stephen
In Proceeding of AFRICON 2019 - september 2019
Publications in 2016
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Spatial and Spectral Features Utilization on a HyperSpectral Imaging System for Rice Seed Varietal Purity Inspection
VU Hai, TACHTATZIS Christos, MURRAY Paul, HARLE David, DAO Trung Kien, LE Thi Lan, ANDONOVIC Ivan, MARSHALL Stephen
12th IEEE RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication Technology, IEEE - November 2016


Rice seed varietal purity inspection using hyperspectral imaging
VU Hai, TACHTATZIS Christos, MURRAY Paul, HARLE David, DAO Trung Kien, LE Thi Lan, ANDONOVIC Ivan, MARSHALL Stephen
the fifth Hyperspectral Imaging and Applications Conference (HSI 2016), Conventry, UK - October 2016
Publications in 2015
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Automatic cattle location tracking using image processing
DAO Trung Kien, LE Thi Lan, HARLE David, MURRAY Paul, TACHTATZIS Christos, MARSHALL Stephen, MICHIE Craig, ANDONOVIC Ivan
The 2015 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), pages 5, Nice, France - September 2015
issn: 2076-1465  doi: 978-0-9928626-4-0