DAO's Publications

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Publications in 2015
Internal Reports

B2013.01.48: SS07 - Design of network infrastructure
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: SS03 - Development of RFID-based localization system
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: Project final report
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: SS04 - Cross-platform mobile app for WiFi signal strength collection
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: SS1 - Overview of localization technologies
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: SS15 - Development of human-system interaction app
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: SS11 - Database for environment, user information and dynamic map
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: SS13 - Optimal path finding module using environment information
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: SS09 - Localization accuracy enhancement using environment information
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: Optimal path finding and navigation aid for blind people
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: Multimodal localization system
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: Database for environment, user and context information
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: SS17 - System installation and evaluation in real environment
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: SS06 - Experimentation and evaluation of unimodal localization systems
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: SS02 - Development of camera-based localization system
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: SS05 - Development of WiFi-based localization system
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: Shortened project final report
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: SS10 - Design of database for environment, user and context information
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: SS16 - Software for object tracking and examination
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: SS12 - Development of tools for dynamics map
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: SS08 - Multimodal localization module based on cameras, RFID, WiFi
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: SS14 - Solution for tuning optimal paths on the basis of context information
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: Object localization module based on cameras, RFID and WiFi
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: System deployment, evaluation and analysis
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: Object localization system - System design
MICA - june 2015