TRAN's Publications

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Publications in 2017
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Indexing syllable dictionary for non-uniform unit selection speech synthesis: Application on Text-to-speech system on Android devices
NGUYEN Tien Thanh, MAC Dang Khoa, TRAN Do Dat, NGUYEN Manh Ha, CASTELLI Eric, NGUYEN Viet Son
1st Conference on OCR and NLP for ASEAN Languages, Phnom Penh, Cambodia - november 2017

National Conference and Workshop Papers

Rapid development of text to speech system for unsupported languages using faking input approach: experiment with Muong
FAIR - Fundamental and Applied IT Research, Da Nang, Vietnam - august 2017
issn: 978-604-913-614-6
Publications in 2016
International Conference and Workshop Papers

A Domotic Solution with Vietnamese Speech Interaction
Proceedings of the 9th regional conference on electrical and electronics engineering, pages 258-262 - november 2016
Publications in 2015
Books and Book Chapters

Modeling Vietnamese speech prosody: A step-by-step approach towards an expressive speech synthesis system
Springer, chap. 23, pages 273-287, Trends and Applications in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining - ISBN 978-3-319-25659-7, ISSN 0302-9743, vol. 9441 , Lecture Notes in Computer Science, PAKDD 2015 Workshops: BigPMA, VLSP, QIMIE, DAEBH - May 2015

International Conference and Workshop Papers

Influences of speaker attitudes on glottalized tones: a study of two vietnamese sentence-final particles
18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2015), International Phonetic Association - 2015
issn: 241-0669

International Project Reports

Project Vietnam-Japan "Virtual and Augmented Reality Studio", soumission de project
MICA - 2015

National Project Report

KC03.07/11-15: Technical report 1 of the project KC03 - Phase 2
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - October 2015


KC03.07/11-15: Final report of the project KC03-Phase 2
MICA - October 2015


KC03.07/11-15: Summarize report of the project KC03 - Phase 2
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - October 2015


KC03.07/11-15: SS0020 Studying some analysis method basing on acoustic model
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - June 2015

Transfer Project Reports

High quality Vietnamese TTS engine for Android
HUST-MICA, B1 Building Hanoi University of Science and Technology, num. 2014-HUST-, FINAL PROJECT REPORT - December 2015


MICA OPEN DAY "Introduction of student projects to PFIEV & Talen students"
Presentation - Openday - October 2015


Poster in TechMart 2015
Poster - TechMart 2015 - October 2015
Publications in 2014
Articles in Peer-Reviewed National Journals

Effect of Sentence-Final Particles on Generation of Fundamental Frequency in Standard Vietnamese
Journal of Science and Technology Technical Universities, pages 171-178, num. 101 - August 2014
issn: 0868-3980


Application of speech processing technology in development of a target distance input system
Journal of Automation Today, Series Control technique and Automation, HUST publisher, vol. 9 - April 2014
issn: 1859-0551


Giải pháp sử dụng kỹ thuật xử lý âm thanh trong điều khiển ppk 37mm
Journal of Science and Technology Researches in Military, pages 77-85, vol. 4-2014 - April 2014
issn: 1859-1043

International Conference and Workshop Papers

Intonation Issues In HMM-Based Speech Synthesis For Vietnamese
NGUYEN Thi Thu Trang, RILLIARD Albert, TRAN Do Dat, ALESSANDRO Christophe, PHAM Thi Ngoc Yen
International workshop on Spoken Langages Technologies for Under-resourced languages, the 3rd International Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies for Under-resourced Languages, pages 98-104, ISCA - 2014
issn: 978-5-8088-0908-6.


Application of speech technologies for Vietnamese language on smartphone. VIetnamese Voice Assistant system (VIVA)
Regional Conference on Computer and Information Engineering (RCCIE), AUNSeedNet, pages 107-111 - October 2014
issn: 978-602-71396-0-2


Prosodic phrasing modeling for Vietnamese TTS using syntactic information
NGUYEN Thi Thu Trang, RILLIARD Albert, TRAN Do Dat, D’ALESSANDRO Christophe
INTERSPEECH 2014, ISCA, IEEE, pages 2332-2336, ISCA - September 2014
issn: 1990-9770


Abnormal event detection using multimedia information for monitoring system
The 5th IEEE International Conference on Communications and Electronics, IEEE, pages 490-495, IEEE - July 2014
issn: 978-1-4799-5050-8

National Project Report

National Project "Thiết kế awngten linh hoạt và các thiết bị cao tần sử dụng công nghệ in trên các vật liệu mềm phục vụ cho các ứng dụng công nghệ không dây hiện đại", project proposal in FIRST program
MICA - December 2014


KC03.07/11-15: SS0053 Building a speech database for TTS system
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - April 2014


Nghiên cứu, ứng dụng CNTT trong xây dựng hệ thống giám sát, hỗ trợ chăm sóc bệnh nhân tại phòng điều trị thông minh (Abnormal event detection using multimedia information for monitoring system)
Ministry of Science and Technology, Complete Scientific Report of Protocol project - March 2014
Publications in 2013
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Machine Translation Approach for Vietnamese Diacritic Restoration
IALP 2013 - 2013


The interplay of intonation and complex lexical tones: how speaker attitudes affect the realization of glottalization on Vietnamese sentence-final particles
INTERSPEECH 2013, Lyon, France - August 2013


HMM-based TTS for Hanoi Vietnamese: issues in design and evaluation
NGUYEN Thi Thu Trang, ALESSANDRO Christophe, RILLIARD Albert, TRAN Do Dat
INTERSPEECH 2013, Lyon, France - August 2013

International Project Reports

ASTRAL Automatic Speech Tools and Recognition for ASEAN Languages, project submission
AUN/SEED-Net Collaborative Research Program for Common Regional Issues (CRC) 2013 - January 2013

National Project Report

Assistant system for blind people listening short messages in smartphone
MICA-HUST - 2013


KC03.07/11-15: SS0045 Building a text database for training
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - June 2013


KC03.07/11-15: SS0046 Building and evaluating sentence normalization module
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - June 2013

Invited Conference

Speech processing and Natural language processing developments in MICA Institute
Conférence invitée dans le cadre de la 1ère réunion technique du projet KRAM, Phnom Penh, Cambodia - May 2013
Publications in 2012
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Influences of particle on Vietnamese tonal co-articulation
3rd Workshop on South and Southeast Asian Natural Language Processing - WSSANLP 2012, Mumbai, India - December 2012


Tonal co-articulation on particles in Vietnamese
International Conference on Asian language processing - IALP 2012, Hanoi, Vietnam - November 2012


A hierarchical graph method using in A* algorithm for parsing technique
LE Quang Thang, TRAN Do Dat
International Conference on Asian language processing - IALP 2012, Hanoi, Vietnam - November 2012


A Melody Intonation Speaker Tonal Range semi-automatic Analysis using variable Levels
PHAM Hai Binh, WEBER Benoît, CAELEN-HAUMONT Genevieve, TRAN Do Dat
The eighth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation - LREC 2012, Istanbul, Turkey - May 2012


MISTRAL+ - Dedicated Tool for Under-resourced Languages Study
WEBER Benoît, CAELEN-HAUMONT Genevieve, TRAN Do Dat, PHAM Hai Binh
International workshop on Spoken Language Technologies for Under-resourced languages - SLTU 2012, Cap Town, South Africa - May 2012

International Project Reports

Projet "Etude et développement d'un Système de Surveillance pour l'Assistance des Personnes Aveugles en environnement perceptif SYSAPA, Rapport d'activité première année
TRAN Do Dat, VUONG Tan Phu
Programme Hubert Curien PHC Lotus/Ho Sen - February 2012

National Project Report

KC03.07/11-15: SS0054 Studying and designing a speech synthesis modul using NSW
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - 2012


KC03.07/11-15: SS0047 Studying the length model of syllable using neuron network
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - 2012


KC03.07/11-15: SS0056 Analyzing and evaluating with the speech synthesis method using oriented database
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - 2012


KC03.07/11-15: SS0051 Studying and analyzing the variation of the intonation of different sentences
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - 2012


Applications des technologies multimédia pour la robotique domestique et humanisée - Final report
International Research Institute MICA - 2012


KC03.07/11-15: SS0055 Building the speech synthesis module using NSW
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - 2012


KC03.07/11-15: SS0048 Designing and evaluating the length model of syllable using neuron network
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - 2012


KC03.07/11-15: SS0052 Developping and evaluating the intonation model for the different sentences
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - 2012


KC03.07/11-15: SS0043 Analyzing and evaluating the problem of sentence normalization in speech synthesis
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - December 2012


KC03.07/11-15: SS0044 Studying the language model and decision tree to improve the NSW classification
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - December 2012


KC03.07/11-15: SS0042 Analyzing, designing and building the text analyzing module
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - December 2012
Publications in 2011
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Un outil multilingue pour annoter automatiquement la prosodie expressive dans le discours : principes et résultats
The fourth Conference on Prosody-Discourse Interface - IDP 2011, Manchester, England - September 2011


Démonstration du logiciel d'analyse de la parole Praat-MOMEL-MELISM, présentation et écoute du corpus mo piu
CAELEN-HAUMONT Genevieve, TRAN Do Dat, SAM Sethserey, SALMON Jean-Pierre
25e Colloque du Cercle Linguistique du Centre et de l’Ouest - CERLICO 2011, pages 37--38, Orleans, France - May 2011


Non-uniform unit selection in Vietnamese Speech Synthesis
DO Van Thao, TRAN Do Dat, NGUYEN Thi Thu Trang
The second International Symposium on Information and communication technology - SoICT2011, vol. 1, ACM - October 2011

National Conference and Workshop Papers

Interactive Museum Tour-Guide Robot based on Multimedia Technology
Vietnamese Conference on Control and Automation - VCCA 2011, Hanoi, Vietnam - November 2011

International Project Reports

Task Report 02 - Work package 04: Analyse et détection des événements anormaux par les sons.
TRAN Do Dat, PHAM Hai Binh
MICA Institute, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Research Report in Vietnamese - December 2011


Task report 01 - Work package 04: Analyse des activités et détection des évènements anormaux dans la vidéo
LE Thi Lan, NGUYEN Thi Thanh Mai, TRAN Do Dat
MICA institute, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Research report in vietnamese - September 2011


Project U-Library rapport d'activite
MICA and Orange - June 2011


Task report - Work package 01: State of art of intelligent perceptive environment
MICA institute, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Technical report in Vietnamese - June 2011

National Project Report

Vietnamese speech synthesis software
MICA Institute, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Final technical report, in Vietnamese - December 2011
Publications in 2010
National Conference and Workshop Papers

Evaluation the development of automation systems using speech based human machine interface
The 5th National Metrology Conference, Vietnam Metrology Institute, Hanoi, Vietnam - May 2010

International Project Reports

Etude et développement d'un système de surveillance pour l'assistance des personnes aveugles en environnement perceptif (SYPASA)
Franco-Vietnamese Programme Hubert Curien Hoa Sen/Lotus (Vietnam) - March 2010
Publications in 2008
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Register of Vietnamese Tones in Continuous Speech
SLTU'08 1st International workshop on Spoken Langages Technologies for Under-resourced languages, Hanoi, Vietnam - 2008


Registres des tons vietnamiens dans la parole continue
JEP/TALN 2008, Avignon, France - June 2008

National Project Report

Nghien cuu su dung Statecharts de phan tich, thiet ke cac he thong nhung thoi gian thuc va ung dung vao xay dung he thong do luong dieu khien tien tien cho moi truong cam thu.
Institut Polytechnique de Hanoi - 2008


Manuel d'utilisation de la proc?dure MOMEL--MELISM sous Praat, vol 1 et 2
, MICA, second - June 2008