DAO's Publications

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Publications in 2016
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Rice seed varietal purity inspection using hyperspectral imaging
VU Hai, TACHTATZIS Christos, MURRAY Paul, HARLE David, DAO Trung Kien, LE Thi Lan, ANDONOVIC Ivan, MARSHALL Stephen
the fifth Hyperspectral Imaging and Applications Conference (HSI 2016), Conventry, UK - October 2016

Divers publications

Instrumenations controlled by Vietnamese voice
VLSP 2016 workshop - November 2016

National Project Report

Research and Development of a speech translation system from Vietnamese to Muong speech, application directions for non-written languages of ethnic minority groups in Vietnam
MICA - December 2016

Invited Conference

A generic platform for adaptive computing in public buildings in smart cities: application for blind people guidance
Workshop on ICT Research and Innovation for Sustainable Economic and Social Devleopment in ASEAN (ASEAN RISE2016) - May 2016

Conference Organizer/Conference Committee

Workshop on ICT Research and Innovation for Sustainable Economic and Social Devleopment in ASEAN (ASEAN RISE2016),
Publications in 2015
Articles in Peer-Reviewed National Journals

Dataset construction for multi-modal person localization and identification evaluation
PHAM Thanh Thuy, TA Viet Cuong, LE Thi Lan, DAO Trung Kien, PHAM Thi Ngoc Yen
Journal of Science and Technology Technical Universities, pages 112-117, vol. 107c, num. 21 - 2015


Control for an exoskeleton with EMG sensor
DAO Van Hiep, DAO Trung Kien
Journal of Vietnam Science and Technology, pages 19-25, vol. 3, num. 11 - 2015
issn: 1859-4794

International Conference and Workshop Papers

A robust model for person re-identification in multi-modal person localization
PHAM Thanh Thuy, LE Thi Lan, DAO Trung Kien, NGUYEN Van Toi, LE Duy Hung
The Ninth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies (UBICOMM 2015), ISBN: 978-1-61208-418-3 - 2015
issn: 978-1-61208-418-3


Automatic cattle location tracking using image processing
DAO Trung Kien, LE Thi Lan, HARLE David, MURRAY Paul, TACHTATZIS Christos, MARSHALL Stephen, MICHIE Craig, ANDONOVIC Ivan
The 2015 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), pages 5, Nice, France - September 2015
issn: 2076-1465  doi: 978-0-9928626-4-0

International Project Reports

Project Vietnam-Japan "Virtual and Augmented Reality Studio", soumission de project
MICA - 2015


ZEIN2012RIP19: Yearly Project Report: Visually Impaired People Assistance using Multimodal Technology
MICA - August 2015


ZEIN2012RIP19: Yearly Project Report: Visually Impaired People Assistance using Multimodal Technology
MICA - August 2015

National Project Report

KC03.07/11-15: Technical report 2 of the project KC03 - Phase 2
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - October 2015


KC03.07/11-15: Technical report 1 of the project KC03 - Phase 2
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - October 2015


KC03.07/11-15: Final report of the project KC03-Phase 2
MICA - October 2015


KC03.07/11-15: Summarize report of the project KC03 - Phase 2
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - October 2015

Internal Reports

B2013.01.48: Tools for environment modeling and object tracking
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: System deployment, evaluation and analysis
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: SS16 - Software for object tracking and examination
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: SS12 - Development of tools for dynamics map
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: SS17 - System installation and evaluation in real environment
MICA - June 2015


B2013.01.48: SS14 - Solution for tuning optimal paths on the basis of context information
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: Optimal path finding and navigation aid for blind people
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: Multimodal localization system
MICA - june 2015


B2013.01.48: Shortened project final report
MICA - june 2015