NGUYEN's Publications

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Publications in 2009
Engineer Thesis

Setting up a smart-room system
HOANG Tien Manh, NGUYEN Ba Cuong
Hanoi University of Science and Technology - 2009


Réseau de capteurs sans fil Bluetooth
Rapport PFE Département D3I de IPH. - 2009


Designing a 13.56MHz-RFID card reading device using EM 4094
NGUYEN Dinh Van, NGUYEN Dinh Hung
Hanoi University of Science and Technology - 2009


Designing a human resource management system using RFID
NGUYEN Trong Hung, MAI Van Sang
Hanoi University of Science and Technology - 2009


Etude et mise en œuvre d’un systeme de gestion de personnel et de bibliotheque ultilisant la technologie RFID et Bluetooth (Frequence : 125Khz)
Rapport PFE Programme PFIEV option II - 2009


Building emotional database for emotion recognition
Hanoi University of Science and Technology - 2009


Systeme de transcription phonetique automatique du texte en langue vietnamienne
NGUYEN Thi Minh Tuyen
IFI - 2009


Text normalization
NGUYEN Van Giang
Hanoi University of Science and Technology - 2009


Image recognition
HOANG Viet Hoa, NGUYEN Cong Trung
Hanoi University of Science and Technology - 2009


Hand gesture recognition
NGUYEN Thi Thanh Mai
Hanoi University of Science and Technology - 2009
Publications in 2008
Books and Book Chapters

LabVIEW thiet bi do va giao dien nguoi may
NXB KH & KT - 2008

Articles in Peer-Reviewed International Journals

Production and perception of Vietnamese short vowels.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, pages 3460, vol. 123(5) - June 2008


Using signal envelope detection for online and offline RF MEMS switch testing
SIMEU Emmanuel, NGUYEN Hoang Nam, MIR Salvador
Journal of VLSI DesignJournal of VLSI Design, Ed. Hindawi, vol. 2008, num. 3 - January 2008

Articles in Peer-Reviewed National Journals

An implementation of temperature wireless sensor network using Bluetooth
Journal of Science & Technology, pages 11-15, num. 68 - 2008
issn: 0868-3980

International Conference and Workshop Papers

Using tone information for Vietnamese Continuous Speech recognition
NGUYEN Hong Quang, NOCERA Pascal, CASTELLI Eric, TRINH Van Loan
RIVF?08 - 2008


Using multisyllabic patterns for Vietnamese speech processing
NGUYEN Hong Quang, NOCERA Pascal, CASTELLI Eric, TRINH Van Loan
CLSW 2008 Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop - 2008


Conception and realization of multilayer composite Electromagnetic shielding Material at Microwave Frequency by using Genetic Algorithm
International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials ISEIM 2008, Japan, September 2009 - 2008


Production and perception of Vietnamese short vowels
ASA - 2008


Tone recognition of Vietnamese continuous speech using hidden markov model
NGUYEN Hong Quang, NOCERA Pascal, CASTELLI Eric, TRINH Van Loan
HUT-ICCE 2008, the Second International Conference on Communications and Electronics - 2008


A Novel Approach in Continuous Speech Recognition for Vietnamese, an isolating tonal language
InterSpeech 2008/SST08 - 2008


Electromagnetic characterization of Pani PU in multi-layred structure application for protectin at microwave frenquency
. HUT-ICCE 2008, the Second International Conference on Communications and Electronics, Hoian, Vietnam. 04-06 June 2008 - 2008


Reconnaissance de la parole continue à grand vocabulaire en vietnamien, une langue syllabique tonale
NGUYEN Hong Quang, NOCERA Pascal, CASTELLI Eric, TRINH Van Loan
JEP/TALN 2008 - 2008


Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition for Vietnamese, an under-resource language
NGUYEN Hong Quang, NOCERA Pascal, CASTELLI Eric, TRINH Van Loan
SLTU08 1st International workshop on Spoken Langages Technologies for Under-resourced languages - 2008


Locus equation for final stop voiceless consonants /p, t, k/ in Vietmese language
Proceedings of the Empirical Methods for Asian Language Processing workshop, Pacific Rim International conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI), pages 123--132 - December 2008


Word segmentation of Vietnamese texts: a comparison of approaches
NGUYEN Minh Huyen, ROSSIGNOL Mathias, LE H.P., DINH Q. T. , VU X. L. , NGUYEN C. T.
LREC '08, Marrakech, Maroc - May 2008