NGUYEN's Publications

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Publications in 2013
International Conference and Workshop Papers

A Wireless Assistive Device for Visually-impaired Persons using Tongue Electrotactile System
NGUYEN Thanh Huong, NGUYEN Thi Hue, LE Thi Lan, TRAN Thi Thanh Hai, VUILLERME Nicolas , VUONG Tan Phu
International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications - ATC 2011 - October 2013


A vision based method for automatizing tea shoots detection
International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Melbourne, Australia - September 2013


The interplay of intonation and complex lexical tones: how speaker attitudes affect the realization of glottalization on Vietnamese sentence-final particles
INTERSPEECH 2013, Lyon, France - August 2013


HMM-based TTS for Hanoi Vietnamese: issues in design and evaluation
NGUYEN Thi Thu Trang, ALESSANDRO Christophe, RILLIARD Albert, TRAN Do Dat
INTERSPEECH 2013, Lyon, France - August 2013


Production and perception of pseudo-V1CV2 outside the vowel triangle: Speech illusion effects
TRAN Thi Anh Xuan, NGUYEN Viet Son, CASTELLI Eric, CARRE Rene
INTERSPEECH 2013, Lyon, France - August 2013


Object detection and classification for advertising service based on image content
NGUYEN Quoc Hung, NGUYEN Quang Hoan, TRAN Thi Thanh Hai, LE Thi Lan
Asia-Link Symposium, Institut Teknologi Bandung - Indonesia - March 2013


Home appliance control system based on robust indoor user localization using Wifi signals
Human Machine Interaction - HMI 2013, Chennai, India - March 2013


Computer aided plant identification system
PHAM Ngoc Hai, LE Thi Lan, GRARD Pierre, NGUYEN Van Ngoc
International Conference on Computing, Management & Telecommunications - Commantel 2013, IEEE, Hochiminh, Vietnam - January 2013


Human posture recognition using human skeleton provided by Kinect
LE Thi Lan, NGUYEN Minh Quoc, NGUYEN Thi Thanh Mai
International Conference on Computing, Management & Telecommunications - Commantel 2013, IEEE, Hochiminh, Vietnam - January 2013


Temporal gesture segmentation for recognition
LE Thi Lan, NGUYEN Van Ngoc, TRAN Thi Thanh Hai, NGUYEN Van Toi, NGUYEN Thi Thuy
International Conference on Computing, Management & Telecommunications - Commantel 2013, IEEE, Hochiminh, Vietnam - January 2013

National Conference and Workshop Papers

Indoor Objects Localization System Using Passive UHF – RFID Technology
National Conference on Electronics and Communications - REV, pages 118-122 - December 2013


Toward to a hybrid mobile object localization method based on WiFi and image
Fundamental and Applied IT Research 2013, Hue - June 2013


Objectness and Gist features: are they good for multiclass object classification
NGUYEN Quoc Hung, TRAN Thi Thanh Hai, NGUYEN Van Ngoc, NGUYEN Quang Hoan
Fundamental and Applied IT Research - FAIR - Hue University- Viet Nam - June 2013

Divers publications

Multimodal indoor localization using heterogeneous technologies
International Workshop on Wireless Communication and User-Centered Services in Pervasive Environments, Hanoi, Vietnam - September 2013

International Project Reports

Gestion intelligente de l’accès radio et de la couverture dans les réseaux hétérogènes à large échelle, soumission de projet.
GELLE Guillaume, CASTELLI Eric, NGUYEN T.H., DAO Trung Kien
Programme PHC Hoa Sen/Lotus - 2013

National Project Report

KC03.07/11-15: SS0110 Building a speech and noise database for smart home environment
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - June 2013


KC03.07/11-15: SS0122 Building a speech and noise database for function generator
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - June 2013


KC03.07/11-15: SS0128 Building a context scenario for evaluating the performance and usability for instruments
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - June 2013


KC03.07/11-15: SS0072 Building a library for communication protocol between devices using COM port
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - June 2013


KC03.07/11-15: SS0013 Building a program to speech separation using the time difference between two channels
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - June 2013


KC03.07/11-15: SS0045 Building a text database for training
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - June 2013


KC03.07/11-15: SS0003 Building a noise database using one microphone and multi microphone
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - June 2013


KC03.07/11-15: SS0118 Building a speech and noise database for oscilator application
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - June 2013


KC03.07/11-15: SS0126 Designing and building the scenarios for evaluating the confidence and naturaless of HMI for control the instruments
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - June 2013


KC03.07/11-15: SS0074 Building a library for communication protocol between devices using TCP/IP connection
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - June 2013