NGUYEN's Publications

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Publications in 2012
National Project Report

KC03.07/11-15: SS0032 Building a program for mean normalisation method and cepstrum coefficient variance
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - December 2012


KC03.07/11-15: SS0026 Building the program for LTSE method
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - December 2012


KC03.07/11-15: SS0063 Evaluating HMI in simulation scenario and propose a suitable HMI for oscilator
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - December 2012


KC03.07/11-15: SS0028 Building a program for statistical filter methods
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - December 2012


KC03.07/11-15: SS066 Building the communication protocol for some kind of modules in PC/embedded system
National project KC03.07/11-15 - December 2012


KC03.07/11-15: SS060 Building the interaction system model for controlling appliances
National project KC03.07/11-15 - December 2012


KC03.07/11-15: SS002 Studies about ASR system in the noise environments
National project KC03.07/11-15 - December 2012


KC03.07/11-15: SS84 Designing the interface moduls between the speech processing module and the calculation module
NGUYEN Hong Son, NGUYEN Viet Son
National project KC03.07/11-15 - December 2012


KC03.07/11-15: SS0071 Building a library for communication between different devices using USB protocal
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - December 2012


KC03.07/11-15: SS0070 Building API library for control the appliances
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - December 2012


KC03.07/11-15: SS0043 Analyzing and evaluating the problem of sentence normalization in speech synthesis
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - December 2012


KC03.07/11-15: SS0006 Studying some methods using beamforming technique for speech enhancement
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - December 2012


KC03.07/11-15: SS0068 Buidling the communication protocol between embedded PC using LAN network
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - December 2012


KC03.07/11-15: SS008 Building the algorithm program for the adaptation beamforming method
National project KC03.07/11-15 - December 2012


KC03.07/11-15: SS0031 Building a program for mean normalization cepstrum coefficience method
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - December 2012


KC03.07/11-15: SS0012 Buiding a program for speech separation basing on phase of speech signal
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - December 2012


KC03.07/11-15: SS0033 Building a program for cepstrum diagram tunning
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - December 2012


KC03.07/11-15: SS0027 Buidling the program for likelihood checking method
Nation project KC03.07/11-15 - December 2012


Research and development of helicopter Ar.Drone for collecting and processing information
International Research Institute MICA - July 2012


Researching, Designing and Building intelligent automatic systems using human-machine interaction by Vietnamese speech in noise environment
International Research Institute MICA - January 2012

Internal Reports

Improving localization results using Kalman filter
NGUYEN Ngoc Quan
School of Electrical Engineering, 4th year internship - 2012


Modeling a pervasive environment system in schools
PHAM Thanh Binh, TRAN Manh Tu, NGUYEN Van Thang, NGUYEN Thanh Tung
School of Information and Communication Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, 4th year internship - 2012


Reading orientation sensors on Android devices and determining the pointed appliance (in Vietnamese)
NGUYEN Cong Minh
School of Electrical Engineering, 4th year report - 2012


Reading signals from sensors on Android devices (in Vietnamese)
NGUYEN Ngoc Quan
School of Electrical Engineering, 4th year report - 2012


Solution to integrate multi-thread remote heterogeneous audio and video for real-time perceptive environment applications (in Vietnamese)
International Research Institute MICA - December 2012