Seminaire de Mme Phan Thi Huyen Chau, doctorante MICA/G-SCOP - Date : jeudi 4 mars 2009, 14h00 - Lieu : salle polyvalente Centre MICA

Intervenant : Mme Phan Thi Huyen Chau
Doctorante en co-tutelle entre le Centre MICA et le laboratoire G-SCOP de Grenoble INP

Date : jeudi 4 mars 2009, 14h00
Lieu : salle polyvalente, Centre MICA, bâtiment C10, 4ème étage, IP de Hanoi
Interprète traducteur : le séminaire sera présenté en anglais

Any disruption of supply of electricity after a fault in a power system is detrimental to the providers and consumers and must be circumscribed as quickly as possible and refill procedure must be established. This procedure should involve a reconfiguration of the network to change the electrical line. To solve this problem, it must be focus on:
- Propose a method for dynamic reconfiguration of the topology of the electrical distribution network;
- Ensure to provide the electrical continuously, a quick energy recharge for all network users.