.... a demonstration of temporal text boxes detection. Séminaire de M. Nicolas Boffo, doctorant en co-tutelle Praxiling/Centre MICA - Date : jeudi 29 avril 2010, 14h00 - Lieu : Centre MICA

Intervenant : M. Nicolas Boffo, doctorant en co-tutelle entre le laboratoire Praxiling de Montpellier UMR5267 et le Centre MICA, Hanoi

Date : jeudi 29 avril 2010, 14h00
Lieu : salle polyvalente, Centre MICA, C10, IP de Hanoi
Interprète traducteur : le séminaire sera présenté en anglais

Résumé/Abstract: As part of the development of Automatic Processing of Temporality System, a system that will identify events in texts and calculate the temporal relations between them, we have formalized temporality in Vietnamese in terms of lexico-syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic/praxematic aspects.

The automatic processing of temporality in Vietnamese just begun. Therefore, our task is complex due to a lack of automatic processing of under-ressourced languages, lexical, and semantic resources for Vietnamese. Nevertheless, we have assembled a fairly complete bibliography dealing with temporality in Vietnam (Cao Xuân Hạo, Danh Thành Do-Hurinville, Trần Kim Phượng, Lê Khả Khế and Nguyễn Lân).

Moreover, on the French side the processing of temporality has yielded good results especially with the model of the semantics of the temporality of Laurent Gosselin and the S-language of Sylviane R. Schwer. With these resources and linguistic research we were able to implement the various steps of processing of temporality.

Therefore, we will present to you the dictionary Vietnamese/French of aspectuo-temporal/ temporal text boxes markers and what we have achevied.

Using this dictionary we were able to construct lists of temporal markers classified by semantic aspectuo-temporal values. These lists are directly involved in the processing of temporality within the rules and allow time to identify events in a text corpus in Vietnamese. We will provide demonstrations of tracking temporal entities.

Finally, to formalize the time and aspect in Vietnamese we have created a set of rules (algorithms) implementable in NooJ (NooJ is a linguistic development environment that includes large-coverage dictionaries and grammars, and parses corpora in real time. ), that calculate some temporal ordering of events in a Vietnamese text. We will demonstrate the operating time of a few rules. Eventually we plan to computational implement an automatic translation of temporal relations tool that will have decisive importance for the automatic processing of Vietnamese language (Automatic Translation, Computer Aided Translation, automatic summarization, automatic understanding, finding named entities,…)