Seminaire de M. Tran Khanh Linh, chercheur du Centre MICA - Date : jeudi 28 mai 2009, 14h00 - Lieu : salle polyvalente, Centre MICA

M. Tran Khanh Linh
chercheur permanent du Centre MICA

Date : jeudi 28 mai 2009 - 14h00
Lieu : Salle polyvalente, Centre MICA, bâtiment C10, IP de Hanoi
Interprète traducteur : le seminaire sera présenté en anglais


There are 3 rooms in a working area. In each room, several infrared sensors were deployed to record movement of people. As these sensors are distributed in an area with human movements, a sudden change of value output of sensors may indicate a movement of human.

Recorded Data:
- Movement data: The real movement of people in this area. Some cameras were equipped to monitor movement in this area. Real movement of people is recorded with precise time. There are 3 kinds of movement recorded: MOVE, STAY and DAWDLE.
- Sensor data: The data is produced by sensors. There are 48 infrared sensors. Every group of 8 sensors is connected by serial lines to a single base station. Output of sensors is stored on these base stations.

Goal: Based on the characteristics of each type of movement and sensor data, re-generate the real movement of each person.