Projets en cours - Ongoing projects: (24)


Traitement de la parole et TALN - Speech Processing & NLP

VNSpeechCorpus (2014-2016)
Realisation of a large database for Vietnamese language - Réalisation d'une grande base de données de parole en langue vietnamienne - MICA leader
Internal MICA project

Âu Cơ
Corpus of minorities languages of Vietnam - Corpus de langues minoritaires du Vietnam - MICA leader
Internal MICA project

TAPASSA (2016-2017)
Traduction Automatique Probabiliste Appliquée aux Sciences Sociales en Asie,
Partners: MICA leader,  EFEO Ecole Française d’Extrême Orient (Vietnam)  - en autofinancement MICA/EFEO.

Research on the development of the method for extracting parallel passages from bilingual databases (2016-2017)
Funded by HUST - MICA leader

Application of dynamic sound characteristic model in the construction of vector  characteristic of Vietnamese speech recognition system (2016-2017)
Funded by HUST - MICA leader

Developing a tool for studying Vietnamese expressive Vietnamese language intonation (2016-2017)
Funded by HUST - MICA leader

MUONG project (June 2017-May 2020)
Research for developing an automatic translation system from Vietnamese text to Muong speech, with further application to other unwritten languages in Vietnam
Partners: MICA leader, LACITO France, Institute of Linguistics VASS Vietnam

Traitement des images et Vision par ordinateur - Images Processing & Computer Vision

Geometric scene analysis as a navigational aid to the visual impaired (04/2014-04/2017)
Funded by NAFOSTED-FWO (Vietnam) - MICA leader

Automatic Rice Seed Inspection Using Hyperspectral Imaging (2015-2017)
Partners: MICA (Vietnam), University of Strathckyde (Scotland U.K.)

Etude et développement d'un système de controle des lampes dans une salle intelligente en utilisant les gestes de la main (Juillet 2016 - Juillet 2017)
Financé par Hanoi University of Science and Technolgy
Partenaires : MICA leader

Development of multimodal systems for controlling lights in houshold (October 2016 - September 2017)
Funder by HUST Hanoi University of Science and Technolgy - MICA leader

Medicinal plant identification and collaborative information system (2015-2017)
Funded by AUN/SEED Net
Partners: MICA

Research and development of hand-held lighting control systems in the narrow sensory environment (2016-2017)
Funded by HUST - MICA leader

Multimédia - Multimedia

SIM-CITIES (2015-2017)
"Sustainable and Intelligent Mobility for Smart Cities"
Funded by the international ASIA-ITC (STIC-ASIE) programme - Partners: INRIA/RITS (France), IRCCyN/CNRS (France), Dhanghai Jiao Tong  Univ (China), NUS (Singapore), NTU (Singapore), Kumamoto Univ (Japan)

ShootMyMind (2015-2017)
Funded by the international ASIA-ITC (STIC-ASIE) programme - Partners: MICA (France/Vietnam), HUST/D3I (Vietnam), JFLI (France/Japan), NII (Japan), ITC (Cambodia), LIG/MRIM(France) - Mica leader

VIPPA (2012-2017)
"Visually ImPaired People Assistance using multimodal technologies"
Funded by VLIR Programme (Belgium-Vietnam) - Partners: Nguyen Dinh Chieu school for blind children, Hanoi (Vietnam), IMEP-LAHC (France), LIG/PRIMA (France), Image Processing and Interpretation Research Groupe, Ghent University (Belgique), Danang university (Vietnam) - MICA leader

Measuring the reaction ability of car and motor drivers (2017)
R&D contract with HONDA

Building multi-modal control system for civil lighting equipment (2016-2017)
Funded by HUST - Mica leader

Research design of 8-port, programmable phase-shift, phase-to-phase array antenna applicator (2016-2017)
Funded by HUST - Mica leader

Develop passive wireless sensors for CO and some other air-quality-related indices using chipless RFID principle (2017-2019)
Funded by the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training MOET - MICA leader

Espaces pervasifs - Pervasive spaces

Development of multimodal localization methods in indoor perceptive environments (03/2014-03/2017)
Funded by NAFOSTED (National Foundation for Science & Technology Development - VN) - Code: 102.04.2013.32 - Mica leader

Smart Campus
Study of large perceptif environments - Etude d'environnement perceptifs à grande échelle. Application au développement de campus multimédia -

Internal MICA project - MICA leader

Design of an automatic solution for detecting abnormal power consumption in public buildings (2016-2017)
Funded by HUST - MICA leader

ASEAN-IVO  IOT System (2017-2019)
IoT System for Public Health and Safety Monitoring with Ubiquitous Location Tracking
Funded by NICT ASEAN-IVO program (Japan)
Partners: MIMOS (Malaisia), NICT (Japan), UBD (Brunei), MICA (Vietnam) + associated universities

Projets terminés - Completed projects: (68)


Traitement de la parole et TALN - Speech Processing & NLP

SpIRIT of MICA (2001-2003)
eech Instrumentation for Research in Information Technology"
Réalisation d'outils d'analyse et de caractérisation du signal de parole sous l'environnement logiciel LabVIEW - MICA leader

TALK (2004-2005)
raitement Automatique de la Langue Khmère"
Funded by the AUF PCSIU programme - Partners: Institut de la Technologie du Cambodge ITC, Phnom Penh (Cambodia), laboratoire CLIPS-IMAG (France)

Projet CORUS (2004-2006)
"Traitement de la parole en langue vietnamienne"

Funded by the French MAE - Partners: CLIPS-IMAG (France), TSI/ENST (France), DDL (France) - MICA leader

Langues PI (2007-2008)
Développement des technologies vocales pour les langues peu-dotées
Funded by the Programme BQR 2007 of Grenoble INP - Partners: LIG (France) - MICA co-leader

VLSP (2005-2008)
ietnamese Language and Speech Processing
Funded by the Ministry of Sciences and Technology (MOST - VN) - Partners: IOIT (Vietnam), Datic (Vietnam), HCMC University (Vietnam)  - MICA co-leader

RECO²CONTROL  (2009-2011)
Systèmes de commande basés sur la reconnaissance automatique de parole en langue vietnamienne.
Funded by the Ministry of Sciences and Technology (MOST-VN), KC03 programme - MICA leader

PI-languages (2009-2012) webpage here
Technologies vocales et Informatisation des langues peu-dotées
Funded by the French Agency  ANR "Blanc" 2009 - Partners: LIG (France), LIA (France)

Parallel text corpora applyied for Vietnamese and ogher resourced languages (2012)
Funded by HUST - MICA leader

Etudes sur un algorithme d'amélioration de la parole en environnement bruité en utilisant un réseau de microphones (2012)
Funded by HUST - MICA leader

Etude et réalisation d'un corpus pour la parole expressive en vietnamien, appliqué à la synthèse de la parole (2012)
Funded by HUST - MICA leader

Medical telemonitoring based on audio analysis (2011-2012)
Project funded by Ministry of Education and Training (MOET - VN) - MICA leader

Etude et développement d'un système d'interaction homme-machine pour un drone (2012)
Funded by HUST - MICA leader

APRIL (2013-2014)
"Avancées dans le Prototypage Rapide pour l’Informatisation des Langues"
Funded by the French "PEPS HuMaIn mission interdisciplinarité CNRS" programme. Partner: LACITO (France) - MICA leader

KRAP (2013-2014)
"Khmer Rouge Archives Preservation" - Préservation et valorisation des archives du génocide Khmer Rouge
Funded by the "Pré-projet" programme from AUF - Partners:  ITC (Cambodge), Université de Can Tho (Vietnam), LIA La Rochelle (France), LIG Grenoble (France)

VIVA (2013-2014)
"VIetnamese Voice Assistant"
Research and development of a voice base HMI system on smartphones in Vietnamese language - Funded by HUST - MICA leader

VIVAVU (2013-2014)
Development of an automatic reading system for SMS and emails on smartphones in Vietnamese language- funded by the MIC (Vietnamese Ministry of Information & Communication) - Partners: Blind School of Hanoi Nguyen Dinh Chieu - MICA leader

Hoa Sung
Speech synthesis in Vietnamese language - Synthèse de la parole en langue vietnamienne - MICA leader
Internal MICA project

Hoa Sen
Automatic speech recognition in Vietnamese language - Reconnaissance automatique de la parole en langue vietnamienne - MICA leader
Internal MICA project

APPSy (2010-2015)
"Asymétries Phonétique et Phonologique de la Syllabe"
Funded by the French agency ANR "Blanc" 2010 - Partners:  GIPSA-Lab (France), LIDILEM (France), LIG (France), LPP (France), Phonolab-ULB/LSP (Belgique)

RECO²CONTROL 2nd phase  (2011-2015)
Systèmes de commande basés sur la reconnaissance automatique de parole en langue vietnamienne.
Funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST - VN) programme KC03 - MICA leader

DoReMiFa (2014-2015)
"Données des Recherches linguistiques de Michel Ferlus en Asie du sud-est"
Funded by French MESR/BSN - Partners: LACITO - MICA leader

Research and Development of a speech translation system on smart devices, Application for French-Vietnamese language pair (2015)
Funded by HUST - MICA leader

VOVA (2015)
High quality Vietnamese TTS engine for Android
Funded by Samsung Vietnam Mobile R&D Center

Developement of Khmer Language Processing Tools (2014-2016)
Funded by Worldbank (Cambodia section) - Partners: ITC (Cambodge, leader), MICA (Vietnam)

Himalco (2013-2016)
Parallel Corpora in languages of the Greater Himalayas
Funded by ANR Program "Corpus, données et outils de la recherche en sciences humaines et sociales" - Partners: CRLAO, HTL, LACITO

Participation in LabEx EFL (2013-2016)
Axe du "laboratoire d'excellence" Empirical Foundations of Linguistics, axes : 1-Phonétique-phonologie & 3-Typologie linguistique

Study the calculation algorithm to estimate the shape of the laryngeal tube from the value of the formant frequency. Application in speech synthesis system by sonography (2016)
Funded by HUST - MICA leader

Traitement des images et Vision par ordinateur - Images Processing & Computer vision

IRIS (2005-2007)
ndexation et Reconnaissance d'Images par la Sémantique"
Funded by the AUF PCSIU programme - Partners: Equpe-projet ORION INRIA Sophia Antipolis (France), Université Montéfiore (Belgium) - MICA leader

SEPIA (2007-2008)
ystème d'Etude du Patrimoine des Inscription Anciennes du Vietnam"
Funded by the CNRS PICS programme - Partners: Equipe-projet QGAR, LORIA, Nancy (France),  EFEO Hanoi (Vietnam)

Automated fabric defect detection system (2010-2011)
Funded by the Department of Sciences and Technology of the City of Hanoi - Partners: Nrofolk Hatexo (Vietnam) - MICA leader

Object detection and recognition in perceptive environments (2011-2012)
Funded by the Ministry of Sciences and Technology (MOST - VN) - MICA leader

Automatizing tea flush assessment by advanced machine vision technique (2011-2012)
In the frameword of the Belgium/Vietnam CUI research programme - Partners: Hanoi University of Agriculture (Vietnam), NOMAFSI (Vietnam)

Research and development of advertising services based on image content in photo sharing systems. (2012)
The main objective of this project is to provide advertising service in photo sharing systems based on image content analysis techniques - Project funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST - VN) in cooperation with Naiscorp Ltd. (Vietnam) - MICA Leader

Abnormal event detection with Kinect device (2013-2014)
Funded by Ministry of Education and Training (MOET - VN) - MICA leader

Plant identification system for Android (2014)
Funded by HUST - MICA leader

Hand gesture recognition using Kinect (2014)
Funded by HUST - MICA leader

Unsupervised alignment of an object class images (2014)
Funded by HUST - MICA leader

Bitrate estimation for object detection and classification for images captured from UAV (2014)
Funded by HUST - MICA leader

Some advanced statistical learning techniques for computer vision (2011-2015)
Project funded by NAFOSTED Vietnamese Institution - MICA leader

A vision-based Guided Landing Method for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (2015)
Funded by HUST - MICA leader

Boats detection and tracking based on Computer Vision Techniques (2015)
Funded by HUST - MICA leader

Obstacle detection and classification from mobile Kinect for robot in indoor environment (2015)
Funded by HUST - MICA leader

Abnormal detection with Kinect device (2013-2015)
Funded by MOET - MICA leader

Rice seed assessment using advanced image processing techniques and machine vision tool (2015-2016)
Funded by Belgian CUI Research program - Partners: Hanoi University of Agriculture (Vietnam, leader), MICA (Vietnam), Thai Binh Seeds Cooperation TSC (Vietnam)

Medicinal Plant Identification and Collaborative Information System (2015-2016)
Funded by AUN/SEED-Net Programme - Partners: MICA (Vietnam), KMITL (Thailand), Osaka University (Tokyo), Vietnam Forestry University (Vietnam) - MICA leader

Multimédia - Multimedia

CONE (2004-2007)
"Collaborative Open Network for Education"
Funded by the European ASIA-Link programme - Partners: Politecnico di Torino (Italy), ITC Cambodge (Cambodia), NUOL Laos (Lao PDR), INP Grenoble (France) - MICA leader

ISERE  (2005-2006)
"Inter-media Semantic Extraction & REasonning"
Funded by the international ASIA-ITC (STIC-ASIE) programme - Partners: IPAL (Singapore), NUS (Singapore), I2R (Singapore), CLIPS (France), IRIT (France), INRIA (France), NII (Japan), NTU (Taiwan), NCKU (Taiwan) - MICA co-leader

MARVEL (2006-2007)
"Multimodal Analysis of Recorded Video for E-Learning"
Sub-project of ISERE in cooperation with NII (Japan) - MICA leader

MOSAIC  (2006-2010)
"MObile Search and Annotation using Images in Context "
Funded by the international ASIA-ITC (STIC-ASIE) programme - Partners: NII (Japan), IPAL (Singapore), NUS (Singapore), I2R (Singapore), CLIPS (France), INRIA (France)

SCOUT (2006-2010)
"Survey of Catastrophes and Observation in Urban Territories"
Funded by the international ASIA-ITC (STIC-ASIE) programme - Partners: IRD (France), LRI (France), LORIA/MAIA (France), LIAMA (China), ITC (Cambodia) - MICA leader

Adaptation dynamique dans des applications multimédia réparties (2009-2010)
Funded by the French ARCUS programme - Partner: IRIT (France)

SMART-ROBOT (2009-2011)
Study, design, develop smart robots for exploiting multimedia information
Applications des technologies multimédia pour la robotique domestique et humanisée
Funded by the Ministry of Sciences and Technology (MOST - VN) - MICA leader

U-library (2011-2013)
Human-system interaction with domestic robots for a modern library
R&D project with ORANGE Labs Tokyo (Japan)

ICT-PAMM (2012-2013)
"Personal Assistance for Mobility and Manipulation"
Funded by the international ASIA-ITC (STIC-ASIE) programme - Partners: INRIA/Emotion (France), INRIA/IMARA (France), LASMEA (France), Sungkyunhkwan Univ (North Korea), NTU (Taiwan), Kumamoto Univ (Japan)

SYSAPA (2012-2014)
"SYtème de Surveillance pour l'Assistance des Personnes Aveugles en environnement perceptifs"
In the framework of the franco-vietnamese programme Hoa Sen/Lotus - Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and CampusFrance/Egide - Partners: IMEP-LAHC - MICA leader

Espaces pervasifs - Pervasive spaces

PERSPOS (mi-2008 - mi-2010)
onne POSitionning system"
Localisation de personne dans un environnement perceptif à grande échelle.
Funded by the Grenoble INP BQR 2008 programme - Partner: INRIA/PRIMA (France) - MICA leader

Projet DYNAMICS (2009)
"DYNamic Approach for Multimedia Information Collections Systems"
Déploiement d'environnement perceptifs à grande échelle par une gestion dynamique et une utilisation mobile des outils de gestion de l'information.
Partners: LIG (France), L3I (France), Telecom Bretagne (France), Univ Kuala Lumpur (Malaisia), ITC Cambogde (Cambodia) - MICA leader

SWEET-HOME (2009-2012)
Informatique pervasive pour la surveillance des personnes atteintes de la maladie d'Alzheimer
Funded by the French Agency ANR "TechSan" 2009 - Partners: CHUN (France), LORIA (France), ACTIS (France), SMILE (Taïwan) et NCKUTH (Taïwan)

LORELA (2010-2012)
calisation RELAtive personnes/objets en environnements perceptifs pour l'assistance aux personnes aveugles"
Funded by the Grenoble INP BQR 2010 programme - Partner: IMEP-LAHC 5France), TIMC (France)

A solution for context-aware and human adaptation management and controllong of equipements in smart environment (2014)
Funded by HUST - Mica leader

A solution for adaptative audio and video services based on user location in perceptive environments (2014)
Funded by HUST - MICA leader

Development of an optimal path-finding system on the basis of localization information. Application in aiding blind people in navigation in unconstrained enviroments (2013-2015)
Funded by Ministry of Education and Training (MOET - VN) - Code: B2013.01.48 -
Mica leader

Developing the ontology for user profiles and application in user-adapteted interaction in perceptive environments (2016)
Funded by HUST - MICA leader

Instrumentation avancée - Advanced Instrumentation

SIAM (2007)
alle Intelligente pour Applications Multimédia" (1ère phase)
Réalisation d'uns smart room multiple usage
Funded by the French MAE - MICA leader

ISLAND (2005-2007)
nformation Systems for Local Authorities Needs to face Disasters"
Projet européen ASIA-ITC, en collaboration avec CETMEF, SOGREAH, MARD, etc...

SCE (2007-2009)
"Smart Communicating Electrocardiograph"

Projet en collaboration avec le LETI Grenoble - MICA leader

SIAM (2010)
alle Intelligente pour Applications Multimédia" (2ème phase)
Réalisation d'uns smart room multiple usage
Funded by the French MAE - MICA leader