Séminaire de M. Dung Tran, doctorant du LORIA Nancy - Date : mardi 11 février 2014, 10h30 - Lieu : "seminar room", 9ème étage, Institut MICA, Hanoi University of Science and Technology.
Intervenant :
M. Tran Dung, doctorant du LORIA Nancy, France
Date : mardi 11 février 2014, 10h30
Lieu : salle "seminar room", 9ème étage, bâtiment B1, Institut MICA, Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Langue : le séminaire sera présenté en anglais
Uncertainty handling has been used significant successfully for highly noise robust speech recognition. In this work, we presented a fusion framework of the uncertainty variance estimation obtained from different uncertainty estimator and different uncertainty propagator by linear combination while the mean of the estimation are computed as usual. Simultaneously, my work also extend to estimate the full-matrix uncertainty covariance instead of the diag uncertainty covariance matrix as state of the art. The result are evaluated on CHiME 2013 data and confirmed the benefit of two proposals.