Séminaire de Mme TRAN Anh Xuan, doctorante de l'Institut MICA - Date : jeudi 24 avril 2014, 09h30 - Lieu : Seminar Room, B1, Institut MICA, Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Intervenant :
Mme TRAN Anh Xuan, doctorante en co-tutelle Institut MICA/Gipsa-Lab
Date : jeudi 24 avril 2014, 09h30
Lieu : salle "seminar room", 9ème étage, bâtiment B1, Institut MICA, Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Langue : le séminaire sera présenté en anglais
+, Quick summarization of my works in 6 months at MICA.
+, Concentrate on dynamic speech feature on ASR and some result test:
Formant frequencies are very important characteristics of speech signal. They can be used to distinguish vowels. Besides, some previous results showed that we can perceive the same vowel base on the same direction and length (dynamic) of formant transitions on plane F1F2 although the their static formant freuqency values are different. Here, we would like to emphasis the important role of dynamic feature on speech perceptions. For my thesis, we hope this dynamic hypothesis can be also used to improve the accuracy of speech recognition system. But in fact, it is difficult to measure automatically formant frequencies correctly. So my works concentrated on finding out how to extract another parameters that are similar to formant frequencies (but not formant frequencies) and it is easy to estimate them automatically. And from there, we can apply the dynamic hypothesis of formant frequencies into this parameters on ASR.