... A multivariate analysis using corpus linguistic and psycholinguistic paradigms
Séminaire de Dr Pham Hien, chercheur de l'Institut Académique des Sciences Sociales de Hanoi, Vietnam - Date : lundi 30 juin 2014, 15h30 - Lieu : salle "Seminar", Institut MICA, Hanoi University of Science and Technologie
Dr Pham Hien, chercheur de l'Institut Académique des Sciences Sociales de Hanoi, Vietnam
Date : lundi 30 juin 2014, 15h30
Lieu : salle "Seminar room", 9ème étage, bâtiment B1, Institut MICA, Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Langue: le séminaire sera présenté en anglais
Résumé/abstract :
This presentation examines disyllabic compound words in Vietnamese, an isolating tone language, using corpus linguistics and psycholinguistic experimental paradigms. The first part reports the construction of two corpora and a database of wide range of lexical variables. The second part discusses a visual lexical decision experiment with Vietnamese speakers, and the third part details the results of a visual lexical naming experiment, again with Vietnamese speakers. This presentation supports the psychological status of the word as a single whole in non-decompositional model for reading Vietnamese compounds. The presentation also documents the advantages of working with behavioral data from a single-subject with wide range of items. Finally, this presentation demonstrates the involvement of phonology in silent reading through an analysis of the effects of lexical tone in the visual lexical decision task.