Séminaire de Pr Javier LARROSA, de l'Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Espagne - Date : 8 janvier 2015, 15h00 - Lieu : salle séminaire, Institut MICA, Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Intervenant : Pr Javier LARROSA, professeur de l'Université Polytechnique de Catalogne, Espagne
Date : jeudi 8 janvier 2015, 15h00
Lieu : salle "seminar room", 9ème étage, Institut MICA, bâtiment B1, Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Langue : le séminaire sera présenté en anglais
In the last years several frameworks for problem modeling and solving have been grouped under the umbrella name of "Graphical Models". Most known examples are probabilistic frameworks like "Bayesian Networks", "Markov Networks" or "Conditional Random Fields", widely used in Image or Natural Language Processing. Other not so known examples are "Constraint (weighted) Networks" or "(weighted) Propositional Logic". The reason of grouping them is that many of the algorithmic techniques required to solve them are essentially the same. In this seminar I will present the Graphical Models paradigm and discuss the main algorithms that are used to solve them.