Thi Huong Giang DOAN
- email: huong-giang.doan@mica.edu.vn
- website: My Homepage
- phone: +84 (0)4 38 68 30 87 (ext. 102)
September 2013 - 2017
PhD Student at HUST.
September 2017 - Present
Lecturer at EPU.
July 2013 - August 2017.
Lecturer at HNIVC.
July 2003 - August 2013.
Researcher at IMI Holding.
Lecturer at VNU-UET.
PhDs in Automatic Control System at International Research Institute MICA HUST - CNRS/UMI - 2954 - INP Grenoble.
Ph.D Title:: Dynamic hand gesture recognition using RGB-D images for Human Machine Interaction.
1. Dr.Hai Vu (Email: hai.vu@mica.edu.vn; Homepage)
2. Assoc. Dr.Thanh-Hai Tran (Email: thanh-hai.tran@mica.edu.vn; Homepage)
Master in Instrumentation and Automatic Control System - HUST.
Bachelor of Engineer in Instrumentation and Industrial Informatics - HUST.
Link: http://mica.edu.vn/perso/Doan-Thi-Huong-Giang/MICA_HandSet/
Link: http://mica.edu.vn/perso/Doan-Thi-Huong-Giang/Dataset05/
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Link: http://mica.edu.vn/perso/Doan-Thi-Huong-Giang/Dataset12/
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1. Huong-Giang Doan, Van-Toi Nguyen, Hai Vu, and Thanh-Hai Tran. (2016). A combination of user-guide scheme and kernel descriptor on rgb-d data for robust and realtime hand posture recognition, Journal of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (EAAI Journal), Elsevier, ISSN: 0952-1976, vol. 49, no. C, pp. 103-113, 2016.pdf
2. Dang-Manh Truong, Huong-Giang Doan, Thanh-Hai Tran, Hai Vu, Thi-Lan Le, "Robustness analysis of 3D convolutional neural network for human hand gesture recognition", International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, ACMLC 2018 Selected Presentation. (Scopus).
3. Submitted.
In Domestic Journal (with review)
1. Huong-Giang Doan, Hai Vu, and Thanh-Hai Tran. (2017). Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition using cyclical patterns of hand movement and its applications, Journal of Science and Technology (JST2017), Technical Universities, pp. 134-139, Viet Nam, Jun, 2017.
In International Conference Proceeding (with review)
1.Huong-Giang Doan, Hai Vu, Thanh-Hai Tran, and Eric Castelli. (2015). Improvements of RGBD hand posture recognition using an user-guide scheme, in the proceeding of the 7th IEEE International Conference on CIS-RAM 2015, ISSN 2326-8123, ISBN 978-1-4673-7338-8, DOI 10.1109/ICCIS.2015.7274-542, pp.24-29, 2015.pdf
2. Huong-Giang Doan, Hai Vu, and Thanh-Hai Tran. (2015). Recognition of hand gestures from cyclic hand movements using spatial-temporal features, in the proceeding of the Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT 2015), Hue City, Vietnam, ISBN 978-1-4503-3843-1, pp. 260-267, 2015.pdf
.3. Huong-Giang Doan, Hai Vu, and Thanh-Hai Tran. (2016). Phase Synchronization in a Manifold Space for Recognizing Dynamic Hand Gestures from Periodic Image Sequence, in the proceeding of the 12th IEEE-RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies, ISBN 978-1-5090-4134-3, pp. 163 - 168, Hanoi, VietNam, 2016.pdf
4. Huong-Giang Doan, Hai Vu, and Thanh-Hai Tran. (2017). Dynamic hand gesture recognition from cyclical hand pattern, to appear in proceeding of The fifteenth IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA2017), pp. 84-87, Nagoya, Japan, May 8-12, 2017.
5. Huong-Giang Doan, Hai Vu, and Thanh-Hai Tran. (2017). New Cyclical Pattern and Temporal-Spatial Representation for Robust Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition, at Doctoral Consortium of the IEEE FG’17 (appear on the IEEE FG’17 website), Washington DC, USA, May 30- Jun 03, 2017.
6. Dinh-Ha Nguyen, Trung-Hieu Le, Thi-Thanh-Hai Tran, Hai Vu, Thi-Lan Le and Huong-Giang Doan, "Hand segmentation under different viewpoints by combination of Mask R-CNN with tracking", to appear in the Proceeding of the 5th Asian Conference on Defense Technology (ACDT 2018), Hanoi, Vietnam.
7. Thuy-Binh Nguyen, Duc-Long Tran,Thi-Lan Le, Thi Thanh Thuy Pham, Huong-Giang Doan, "An effective implementation of Gaussian of Gaussian descriptor for person re-identification", to appear in the Proceeding of the 5th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS2018), HoChiMinh, Vietnam, 2018..
1. Huong-Giang Doan, Hai Vu, and Thanh-Hai Tran. (2014). Ultilizing Depth Image from Kinect sensor: Error Analysis and Its Application, in the proceeding of the 7th Vietnamese Conference on FAIR 2014, ThaiNguyen, VietNam, ISBN: 978-604-913-300-8, pp. 216-222, 2014.pdf
2. Huong-Giang Doan, Duy Anh Vu, Hai Vu, and Thanh-Hai Tran. (2015). Dynamic hand gesture recognition utilizes spatial-temporal features, in the proceeding of the 8th Vietnamese Conference on FAIR, Hanoi, VietNam, ISBN: 978-604-913-397-8, pp. 257-267, 2015.pdf
1. Robust dynamic hand gestures recognition for human machine interaction using multimodal features and manifold learning, 2017-2019.
2. Understanding Human Daily Life Activities from Egocentric Vision Using Advanced Technologies of Deep Learning, nafosted project, 2018-2021.
3. Dynamic hand gesture recognition using RGB-D images for Human Machine Interaction, Ph.D. Thesis , HUST, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2013-2017.
4. Controlling home appliances using multimodal technologies (hand gestures, voice, mobile phone), R&D Project funded by Hanoi University of Science and Technology, 2016-2017.
5. Dynamic hand gesture recognition using Kinect sensor, application in controlling home appliances, R&D Project funded by Hanoi University of Science and Technology, 2013-2014.
6. Research, design, and development of an industrial X-ray source controlling system, R&D Project funded by Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade, 2008-2009.
7. Research, design, and development of a rice sorting system using IR camera, R&D Project funded by Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade, 2007-2008.