SAM's Publications

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Publications in 2015
International Project Reports

Projet de création du Centre CSSD Computer Science for Social Development. Rapport de soumission du projet
CASTELLI Eric, SENG Sopheap, SAM Sethserey
Ambassade de France au Cambodge - October 2015
Publications in 2012
Articles in Peer-Reviewed International Journals

Online unsupervised multilingual acoustic model adaptation for nonnative ASR
SAM Sethserey, CASTELLI Eric, BESACIER Laurent
ASEAN Engineering Journal, Division EEE & ICT, AUN/SEED-Net, vol. 006 - 2012

International Conference and Workshop Papers

Confrontation of two models of language for the automatic phonetic labeling of an unknown ethnic language of the South-Asia: the case of Mo Piu
CAELEN-HAUMONT Genevieve, SAM Sethserey
The eighth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation - LREC 2012, Istanbul, Turkey - May 2012
Publications in 2011
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Automatic Labeling and Phonetic Assessment for an Unknown Asian Language: the case of the “Mo Piu” North Vietnamese Minority (early results)
CAELEN-HAUMONT Genevieve, SAM Sethserey, CASTELLI Eric
International Conference on Asian language processing - IALP 2011, Penang, Malaysia - November 2011


Online Unsupervised Multilingual Acoustic Model Adaptation for Non Native ASR
SAM Sethserey, CASTELLI Eric, BESACIER Laurent
The 4th Regional Conference on Information and Communication Technology - RCICT 2011, Hochiminh, Vietnam - October 2011


Speech Modulation Features for Robust Nonnative Speech Accent Detection
SAM Sethserey, XIAO Xiong, BESACIER Laurent, CASTELLI Eric, LI Haizhou, SCHNG Eng Siong
INTERSPEECH 2011, Florence, Italy - August 2011


Démonstration du logiciel d'analyse de la parole Praat-MOMEL-MELISM, présentation et écoute du corpus mo piu
CAELEN-HAUMONT Genevieve, TRAN Do Dat, SAM Sethserey, SALMON Jean-Pierre
25e Colloque du Cercle Linguistique du Centre et de l’Ouest - CERLICO 2011, pages 37--38, Orleans, France - May 2011

PhD Thesis

Vers une adaptation autonome des modèles acoustiques multilingues pour le traitement automatique de la parole
SAM Sethserey
Université de Grenoble - Ecole Doctorale Mathématiques, Sciences et Technologies de l'Information, Informatique - June 2011
Publications in 2010
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Unsupervised acoustic model adaptation for multi-origin non native
SAM Sethserey, CASTELLI Eric, BESACIER Laurent
INTERSPEECH 2010, Makuhari, Japan - September 2010


Adaptation autonome de modèles acoustiques pour la transcription automatique de reunions multilingues
SAM Sethserey, BESACIER Laurent, CASTELLI Eric
JEP 2010, Mons, Belgium - May 2010


Autonomous acoustic model adaptation for multilingual meeting transcription involving high- and low-resourced languages
SAM Sethserey, BESACIER Laurent, CASTELLI Eric, MA Bin, LEUNG Cheung-Chi, LI Haizhou
The 2nd International workshop on Spoken Language Technologies for Under-resourced languages - SLTU 2010, Penang, Malaysia - May 2010
Publications in 2009
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Vers des modèles autonomes pour la reconnaissance automatique de la parole multilingue
SAM Sethserey
RJCP, Avignon, France - November 2009
Publications in 2008
International Conference and Workshop Papers

First Broadcast News Transcription for Khmer Language
SENG Sopheap, SAM Sethserey, BESACIER Laurent, BIGI Brigitte, CASTELLI Eric
The International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation - 2008


Which Units for Acoustic and Language Modeling for Khmer Automatic Speech Recognition?
SENG Sopheap, SAM Sethserey, LE Viet Bac, BIGI Brigitte, BESACIER Laurent
International Workshop on Spoken Languages Technologies for Under-Ressourced Languages , Hanoi, Vietnam - 2008
Publications in 2006
International Project Reports

Traitement Automatique de la Langue Khmer
SAM Sethserey, SENG Sopheap
- 2006

Masters Thesis

Analyse de la Langue Khmère en Vue de la Synthèse de la Parole
SAM Sethserey
Master thesis in Computer Science, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France - September 2006
Publications in 2005
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Reconnaissance Automatique de la Parole pour des Langues peu Dotées : Application au Vietnamien et au Khmer
BESACIER Laurent, LE Viet Bac, CASTELLI Eric, SAM Sethserey, PROTIN Ludovic
TALN and pi-languages workshop, Dourdan, France - June 2005

International Project Reports

Traitement Automatique de la Langue Khmer
SAM Sethserey, PROTIN Ludovic, CASTELLI Eric
- May 2005